Amazon Alexa lets you share music with other Echo users

When you hear a song that you want to share with a friend, you either just share the title and artist through a messaging app or even send a link to Spotify or YouTube through social media. But if you and your contacts have Amazon Echo devices, there is now an easier way to do so with the Amazon Music Sharing feature through Alexa. You’ll be able to use the digital assistant to do the “work” for you as you share that song you want your contact to listen to at the moment.

You will have to enable Alexa Communications on your account to be able to use the feature. When you’re listening to something on your Amazon Echo device, you can just say “Alexa, share this song with Carlo” and your digital assistant will share it with the contact. Of course, the person has to be in your Alexa contacts list and they also need to have an Echo device and/or the Alexa appso they can “receive” and listen to the song and even send back their reaction to it.

Alexa will find the song on the default music streaming service of the receiver or if it’s not there, it will look for another streaming service where the song is available. If it can’t find a matching song, it will suggest a station based on the title or the artist. If you’re the recipient of the song, Alexa will notify your device and through your Alexa app. Just ask to listen to your messages then it will ask you if you want to listen to the song shared to you.

Another option would be to tap on the mobile notification sent to your Alexa app and then choose which of your connected devices you’d like to listen the song to. Aside from Echo devices, this means you can listen to it on smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, wherever you want to listen to your music as long as the Alexa app is installed there. It’s a good way to start a conversation about the song you’re currently listening to.

Amazon says that this Music Sharing skill is just the beginning for this kind of feature. They will be looking to evolve this experience and add more ways to share and listen to songs with your friends and contacts.