Android 12 Developer Preview 2 rolled out for Pixel devices

Android 12 stable release is still a long way away but with every passing week, things are getting exciting in anticipation. Google has announced the new Developer Preview 2 build for Pixel devices, and it comes with a lot of changes that developers must take note of to adapt for their apps. The APIs and new features will change the morphing landscape of the Android 12 version that’s going to evolve in the coming months before a public preview version is going to be available for eligible devices.

The developer’s preview of Android 12 is going to be eligible for Google Pixel 5, Pixel 4 series and Pixel 3 series. To install the Developers Preview 2, you’ll need to flash your device; it should only be done by professionals or under supervision.

API changes to the Android 12 bring the detailed rounded corners to perfectly match the phone’s screen display contours ensuring a better UI experience on the apps. The Picture-in-Picture now comes with better resizing, automatic transition to PiP, and the ability to hide app slightly off-screen.

For wearables, the Android 12 DP2 brings APIs to manage the ability to activate the companion app whenever the device (like fitness bands or smartwatch) is in proximity for a better user experience. The lockscreen on the Android 12 devices will also get more security options to add additional possibilities for micro-interactions.

The DP2 has trust and safety updates like the HIDE_OVERLAY_WINDOWS permissions to ensure content that you don’t want, can’t be drawn over other apps to avoid overlay attacks. Notification’s visibility controls have been updated as a measure of security – bringing up an authentication challenge before any action can be performed.

Apart from all these major changes, the Developer Preview 2 brings numerous other small changes like the graphics effects, better estimation for bandwidth depending on connection types and the cross-app validity checksums. In the coming weeks and months, more new additions and changes are expected, as we finally lead to the release of the stable Android 12 version.