Android 12 may get native recycle bin and auto translation in apps

With each passing week, the excitement for Android 12 is pushing expert reviewers and developers to delve into what’s coming with the forthcoming Google OS. On the same lines, XDA Developers dug deep into the Android 12 code to come up with some interesting findings lately which could mean a lot to the end-users. First up Google is working on bringing a Windows Recycled Bin-like utility natively to Android. As they’ve found out, the utility will be called ‘Trash’ which allows you to review all deleted items from the device.

Android 12 might bring the feature natively to the OS to trash files, and then recovering them if you deleted them accidentally. The trash API will most probably come with the flexibility for apps to use it or not – especially the file manager apps.

Since the Android ecosystem is very large, implementing a feature like ‘Trash’ will require a structured approach and well-rooted system updates. That’s because OEM’s and developers need to be aware of what direction Google is adopting to implement this mode as a native Android function, even though it will be easier for Google to implement it in their own Google Files app.

Automatically translating in-app data to the user’s preferred setting in the Android 12 OS is another feature that’s exciting for both developers and users. While big house app developers can afford to spend money on getting their apps auto translated for user’s native device language preferences, small developers don’t have the luxury.

It’s going to change in Android 12 OS (presumably), as XDA Developers has found out Google is working on implementing native support for auto translation in apps. They are working on the feature in the View level, so it points towards use in the apps, rather than the OS itself.

Both these features already sound exciting, and if they do land on the Android 12 OS, users will be more than happy. More on this development will be clear in the coming weeks.