Are you on the verge of burning out? The three signs you could be suffering

Are YOU on the brink of a burnout? The three key warning signs your health is suffering – and what to do about it

  • A career coach has revealed how to notice if you’re experiencing a burnout
  • Alex Kingsmill told SEEK burnouts can lead to exhaustion and sickness 
  • Common signs include feeling exhausted, overloaded or detached from work

A career expert has revealed the mental and physical signs that could indicate you’re on the verge of a burnout.

A career coach from Upstairs Coaching, Alex Kingsmill, told Australian recruitment company SEEK burnouts can lead to exhaustion and sickness.

Ms Kingsmill said individuals experiencing a burnout often feel a sense of depletion, detachment from work and feel ‘snowed under’ from an overload of tasks. 

Career Coach from Upstairs Coaching Alex Kingsmill told Australian recruitment company SEEK burnouts can lead to exhaustion and sickness

Signs of too much stress in your life

You feel: 

* angry or annoyed for no reason

* anxious or worried all the time

* like you want to withdraw

* extra-sensitive to things that wouldn’t normally get on your nerves

* useless or incapable

Physical signs can include stomach issues, headaches and muscle pain 

Burnouts can lead to feeling cranky, being critical of your work and others around you as well as feeling pessimistic and isolated.

If the burnouts go unnoticed or the individual refuses to take time off for themselves, this can make them feel apathetic or lazy towards their work.

Ms Kingsmill said burnouts have a tendency to gradually build and lead to consequences impacting your health.

‘Over time you may become increasingly tired and sick, depressed and anxious, and overwhelmed and unable to effect positive change,’ she said. 

'Over time, you may become increasingly tired and sick, depressed and anxious, and overwhelmed and unable to effect positive change,' she said

‘Over time, you may become increasingly tired and sick, depressed and anxious, and overwhelmed and unable to effect positive change,’ she said

Signs of a burnout 

* feeling exhausted and unable to perform basic tasks

* losing motivation in many aspects of your life, including your work and friendships

* feeling unable to focus or concentrate on tasks

* feeling empty or lacking in emotion

* losing your passion and drive

* experiencing conflict in your relationships with co-workers, friends and family

* withdrawing emotionally from friends and family

Source: Reach Out 

If you’re experiencing a burnout from work, Ms Kingsmill outlined a number of steps to encourage positive change.

She recommends identifying the reasoning for the burnout first, then seeking help from co-workers, management or family.

‘Identify a trusted supervisor and speak to them about what you’re experiencing, make use of Employee Assistance Programs, choose a sympathetic friend and have a chat,’ she said.

From there, taking time off and focusing on your health is essential to give yourself time to recover. 

Setting boundaries and saying ‘no’ to taking on tasks at work will also help avoid future burnouts.