Bondi Beach is CLOSED after thousands of moronic sun-seekers ignored social distancing guidelines 

Bondi Beach has been shut down in a desperate attempt to battle the coronavirus, after droves of careless sun-seekers ignored social distancing rules.

In an unprecedented move, officials closed the beach with immediate affect, after shocking pictures showed thousands of sunbathers ignoring health warnings. 

Australia suffered a huge overnight spike in coronavirus cases, taking the national total to 1,022, prompting calls for people to do their bit to stop it spreading further.  

But the spiralling health crisis was clearly of little concern to the beachgoers, with health minister Greg Hunt accusing them of ‘putting others at risk’. 

Beachgoers flocked to Bondi in their droves on Friday (pictured) despite strict social distancing rules

Hundreds of beachgoers ignored health authorities advice to stay at home and social distance at Bondi Beach (pictured on Friday)

Hundreds of beachgoers ignored health authorities advice to stay at home and social distance at Bondi Beach (pictured on Friday)

Speaking from Bondi Beach on Saturday afternoon, police minister David Elliot said: ‘This is the most irresponsible behaviour we’ve seen so far. 

‘This is not something we’re doing because we’re the fun police, this is about saving lives.

‘If the community does not comply, this is going to become the new normal.’ 

He also issued a chilling warning that officials expect cases in NSW to top 500 by tomorrow. 

Critics slammed the beachgoers for being ignorant about the coronavirus threat, after they flocked in droves to Bondi Beach (pictured)

Critics slammed the beachgoers for being ignorant about the coronavirus threat, after they flocked in droves to Bondi Beach (pictured) 

One beachgoer poses for a photo during warm weather in Sydney on Friday (pictured) despite the threat of coronavirus

One beachgoer poses for a photo during warm weather in Sydney on Friday (pictured) despite the threat of coronavirus

Hundreds of people packed onto the grass nexy to Bondi Beach (pictured) and were clearly not socially distancing

Hundreds of people packed onto the grass nexy to Bondi Beach (pictured) and were clearly not socially distancing


On Friday, Scott Morrison announced new rules for indoor spaces.

It means the number of people in a venue is dictated by the size of the room.

There needs to be four-square-metres per patron.

This means that if a venue is 100-square-metres, 25 people are allowed inside.

Event then, Australians are asked to try and keep 1.5 metres apart from one another.

As hospitals begin to fill with coronavirus patients, Australia’s most famous beach was swamped with revellers this week as they flocked to enjoy the 30C temperatures.

Pictures of crowds soon emerged on Instagram showing a lack of concern for social distancing rules, with many of the young sun-worshippers even making jokes about the virus. 

The shocking images prompted criticism from across the world, with many incensed by the revellers lack of awareness about the virus. 

On Saturday, the NSW government made the decision to shut the beach completely, following the national crowd rules – which effectively bans all outdoor gatherings of 500 people or more.  

Sunbathers ignored 1.5 metre social distancing guidelines as they lay together on the sand and helped each other apply sunscreen. 

A couple at Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) smile as they emerged from the surf to join the packed crowds on the beach

A couple at Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) smile as they emerged from the surf to join the packed crowds on the beach

Beachgoers are seen at Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) despite the threat of coronavirus

Beachgoers are seen at Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) despite the threat of coronavirus

‘What happened in Bondi was unacceptable, and the local council must take steps to stop that from occurring,’ Mr Hunt told reporters in Melbourne on Saturday.

‘This is all of our responsibility, each of us … I would say to everybody, we are all in this together.’ 

The crowds were seemingly unfazed by the threat of coronavirus as they embraced on the shoreline, splashed in the waves and played beach volleyball.   

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the ‘thousands of people’ who gathered at Bondi should be following the 1.5 metre recommendation. 

Another group of beachgoers are seen posing on Friday (pictured), but seem to sat with enough distance between them

Another group of beachgoers are seen posing on Friday (pictured), but seem to sat with enough distance between them 

Those who flocked to Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) have been accused of putting lives at risk by ignoring social distancing

Those who flocked to Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) have been accused of putting lives at risk by ignoring social distancing


New South Wales: 436

Victoria: 229

Queensland: 221

Western Australia: 64

South Australia: 50

Tasmania: 10

Australian Capital Territory: 9

Northern Territory: 3



‘We are in a different time,’ he said on Friday.

‘We need to behave in different ways and that is to keep your distance. The recommendation is at least 1.5 metres. That is a sensible recommendation that people should sensibly take on board.’

While residents can ‘by all means’ visit the beach, they must stick to the strict advice given by health authorities.

Shockingly, many of the beachgoers took to social media to boast proudly of their day in the sun – even making jokes about the global pandemic, which has killed more than 10,000 people across the world. 

‘Two weeks behind the rest of the world,’ was the caption of one group photo as 16 young people hung off each other. 

‘Solid social distancing,’ wrote one commenter, making light of the new guidelines which are designed to keep people from spreading the virus.  

Two friends dip their feet in the water at Sydney's Bondi Beach on Friday, despite guidelines to exercise social distancing (pictured)

Two friends dip their feet in the water at Sydney’s Bondi Beach on Friday, despite guidelines to exercise social distancing (pictured)

A couple embrace at Bondi Beach, in Sydney's eastern suburbs, on Friday as the temperature soars above 30C (pictured)

A couple embrace at Bondi Beach, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, on Friday as the temperature soars above 30C (pictured)

A man and woman ignore social distancing guidelines as they embrace in the water at Sydney's Bondi Beach (pictured on Friday)

A man and woman ignore social distancing guidelines as they embrace in the water at Sydney’s Bondi Beach (pictured on Friday)

‘If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,’ wrote a young man on a picture of him pointing at a Corona beer with a group of friends,

‘I would just say that it doesn’t matter where you are. Whether you are on Bondi or in a church, separate by 1.5 metres,’ Mr Hazzard said on Saturday.

Government advice reads: ‘Social distancing is important because COVID-19 is most likely to spread from person-to-person.’ 

‘So, the more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.’

The crowds come as Australia prepares to lock its borders to non-residents at 9pm on Friday in a desperate attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19.  

Victoria Premier, Daniel Andrews, warned that unless infection rates drop, hospitals will soon become overwhelmed.

Two women smile for the camera as they hit the surf at Sydney's Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) despite concerns over the global pandemic

Two women smile for the camera as they hit the surf at Sydney’s Bondi Beach on Friday (pictured) despite concerns over the global pandemic

Beachgoers play a game of volleyball on the sand as the government urges residents to exercise social distancing (pictured on Friday)

Beachgoers play a game of volleyball on the sand as the government urges residents to exercise social distancing (pictured on Friday)

‘If you’re in any doubt of how serious this is, switch your TV on and see what’s happening in other parts of the world,’ he told reporters on Saturday.

‘People are dying. We are going to get to a dark place.’ 

Victoria recorded 51 new cases overnight, taking the state’s total to 229, while three more cases were confirmed in the ACT.

Mr Andrews announced a $550 million business relief package to help those struggling to stay afloat during the crisis.

A payroll tax refund will be made available to 24,000 businesses small and medium-sized businesses. 

It is hoped the cash will help keep about 400,000 workers employed.

Sunbathers ignored 1.5 metre social distancing guidelines by helping each other apply sunscreen and lying together on the sand (pictured on Friday)

Sunbathers ignored 1.5 metre social distancing guidelines by helping each other apply sunscreen and lying together on the sand (pictured on Friday)

Crowds also gathered at the rocks lining Bondi Beach despite the growing threat of COVID-19 (pictured on Friday)

 Crowds also gathered at the rocks lining Bondi Beach despite the growing threat of COVID-19 (pictured on Friday)

On Friday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison introduced tough new social distancing measures, which are designed to curb the spread of the coronavirus.  

The number of people allowed in an indoor venue will be dictated by its size.

Announcing the new crowd restrictions, Mr Morrison said there will be a maximum limit of ‘four square metres provided per person in an enclosed space’. 

When in a venue, patrons should try and sit a minimum of 1.5 metres away from one another. 

He also warned a unprecedented ban may be brought in on domestic travel next week ahead of the school holidays – and pleaded with holidaymakers not to fly.

Addressing the nation on Friday, Mr Morrison said he needed people ‘to keep going’ and ‘do their bit for their fellow Australians’.

The warm weather has lead to crowds flocking to Bondi Beach (pictured earlier on Friday) despite coronavirus concerns

The warm weather has lead to crowds flocking to Bondi Beach (pictured earlier on Friday) despite coronavirus concerns

When Bondi Beach reopens, the police minister confirmed there would be patrols in place to ensure there are no more than 500 people on the sand. 

‘We are relying on the laws of common sense. They will be asked to move on if there are more than 500 people on the beach,’ he said, adding that ‘headcounts for 500 people have been done before.

‘In consultation with the police and Surf Life Saving NSW, we will now see beaches across the state that do not comply with the regulations close,’ Mr Elliot explained.

‘If people to not comply, the police will have the power to “move on” individuals.

‘This is because we want you to be safe.’  

People are seen playing volleyball at Bondi Beach on Saturday morning (pictured), hours before it was shut down

People are seen playing volleyball at Bondi Beach on Saturday morning (pictured), hours before it was shut down

 ‘I for one am disappointed,’ Mr Elliot went on.

‘I cannot sit by and watch the community not only ignore the laws but blatantly flout them,” he said of the images of thousands of sunbathers on Bondi Beach on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

‘What we saw this morning was a breach of public safety.

‘This is called a pandemic because people’s lives are in danger.’



  • Those in offices, restaurants or other spaces should ensure there is four square metres per person. So a room of 100 square metres should only have 25 people in it.
  • All people should keep a minimum of 1.5 metres from other people.


  • NAPLAN testing has been cancelled for 2020.


  • From 9pm AEDT Friday, all non-Australian citizens or residents will be banned from entering the country. Direct family members will still be allowed.
  •  National cabinet will consider on Tuesday further travel restrictions which will apply in the Easter school holidays. But people planning holidays should ‘reconsider any unnecessary travel’.


  •  Banks have offered to defer loan repayments from small and medium sized businesses for six months, after the Reserve Bank cut interest rates to 0.25 per cent and took other steps to relieve pressure on lenders.
  •  Banks are also looking at easing pressure on mortgage holders.
  •  RBA governor Philip Lowe gave a presentation to the prime minister and premiers on Friday.
  •  The government is still working on a package to help businesses and those who find themselves out of work. The package is expected to be announced on the weekend.
  •  Federal budget has been delayed until October 6. States will also look at deferring their budgets.
  •  Government has ‘no plans’ to nationalise major companies that provide key services such as aviation.


  •  States and territories to nominate specific areas which will be subject to entry restrictions, to minimise the spread into vulnerable communities.
  •  Some travel exemptions will apply, including for medical treatment, food and medical supplies, mental health and domestic violence support and emergency services.


  •  States to identify greater protections for commercial and residential tenants. Model rules to apply in hardship cases.
  •  Rental assistance is expected to flow to people who are forced to move onto welfare payments.


  •  Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese to meet on Sunday to discuss future sittings of parliament.
  •  Parliament sits this coming Monday to debate and pass the virus-related economic stimulus package.


  •  All aged care workers will be tested.
  •  All health care workers with cold-like symptoms will be tested.