LG Wing’s Gimbal Motion Camera ideal for millennials, vloggers

The LG Wing remains as one of the most innovative smartphones we’ve known recently. It’s new and it’s interesting. We’ve seen how the LG Wing was transformed from concept to reality and how the swivel action was born. The LG Wing is now made more convenient to use after an update. It was even sighted on Michael Bay’s upcoming movie about a pandemic. This first LG Wing Explorer Project offers an innovative mobile experience but there are still durability concerns.

The LG Wing is ready with the swiveling display design and gimbal motion camera. It is one unique phone that allows anyone to get creative. For the new generation of content creators, the LG WING can be a powerful tool to share opinions, tell stories, and deliver ideas.

The Millenials will love the LG Wing as it can work as a gimbal camera. It’s something that vloggers and consumers may find very useful especially when it comes to capturing memories.

The LG Wing is a smartphone camera that doubles as a gimbal. It also lets you easily and quickly shared images and videos to the whole world via your social media networks.

The built-in gimbal feature is available in Swivel Mode. Rotate the main screen to reveal a secondary display. The result is a unique-looking phone that has more screen estate this time.

The Gimbal Motion Camera offers stability in capturing more active videos. You can take fun shots with just one hand. The 4K Timelapse Control lets you capture beautiful views as speed can be adjusted. The phone features a Night View Mode, Multi-Frame Image Fusion Processing technology for noise reduction, low-light assist capture with AI, and blur reduction for produce more vibrant colors.