OnePlus, OPPO further integrate their businesses

The Chinese OEM OnePlus really does never settle. It is still very much part of the mobile business. In fact, the brand has released more mid-range smartphones in the past year. The Nord series has entered the game with success although we don’t know the numbers yet. For almost a decade now, OnePlus has become a respected global brand for the quality of products at decent price points. The OnePlus community has emerged as the company values the feedback and recommendations of the consumers.

OnePlus will continue to work on improvements not only to its products and services but also to the organization. Of course, the Never Settle motto lives on.

OnePlus and OPPO will soon integrate further the teams as both brands want to streamline the business. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has happily shared the good news that the companies will be sharing resources.

Earlier this year, OPPO and OnePlus R&D teams joined forces. This means more resources to use and work on. The goal is better efficiency, more speed, and more stability especially when it comes to software updates.

OnePlus will still operate as an independent business. Nothing much will change on the business and customer service side as the brand will continue to honor its commitment to the people. OnePlus will just be streamlining some areas with OPPO so they both can build better products and offer better service to more consumers.