Personal trainer shows off her incredible toning transformation and reveals her exercise secrets

An Australian personal trainer has shared her incredible body and health transformation after her slim frame and restrictive 1,000 calories a day diet left her battling health and hormonal issues. 

Lauren Simpson weighed a slight 50 kilos in 2015 after following a range of ‘extreme’ dieting techniques and taking her ‘obsession’ with fitness too far.

‘I was that girl who was scared of carbs. I only did cardio as I was scared weights would make me big and bulky. I let the number on the scale rule my life,’ she wrote on Instagram.

The 29-year-old was under eating and over training, which led to violent mood swings, ‘horrible’ skin and brittle hair.

Another photo of her body at the start of 2020 showcases her 10 kilogram weight gain as a result of eating more than 2,000 calories a day. 

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Lauren Simpson weighed a slight 50 kilos in 2015 after following a range of ‘extreme’ dieting techniques and taking her ‘obsession’ with fitness too far (left)

'I was that girl who was scared of carbs. I only did cardio as I was scared weights would make me big and bulky. I let the number on the scale rule my life,' she wrote on Instagram

‘I was that girl who was scared of carbs. I only did cardio as I was scared weights would make me big and bulky. I let the number on the scale rule my life,’ she wrote on Instagram

‘The biggest game changer for me was weights training and shifting my mindset around food,’ she said.

‘Lifting weights and learning about resistance training built my confidence and created shape with my body.’

Over the past five years Lauren has learned that food ‘is not the enemy’ and she doesn’t have to restrict herself to have a ‘lean’ body – instead she has to mindfully train and eat upwards of five times a day.   

‘No photoshop. No short cuts. No quick fixes. No skinny teas. No waist trainers. Just four years of consistency, hard work and dedication,’ she said.  

Over the past five years Lauren has learned that food 'is not the enemy' and she doesn't have to restrict herself to have a 'lean' body - instead she has to mindfully train and eat upwards of five or six times a day

Over the past five years Lauren has learned that food ‘is not the enemy’ and she doesn’t have to restrict herself to have a ‘lean’ body – instead she has to mindfully train and eat upwards of five or six times a day

Lauren, who is also an award-winning bikini competitor (pictured), has created her own workout tutorials to allow others to learn from her mistakes and build a 'strong body'

Lauren, who is also an award-winning bikini competitor (pictured), has created her own workout tutorials to allow others to learn from her mistakes and build a ‘strong body’

Lauren, who is also an award-winning bikini competitor, has created her own workout tutorials to allow others to learn from her mistakes and build a ‘strong body’.  

Her favourite glute workout is a combination of low repetitions and heavier lifting followed by higher repetitions and lighter weight work.

The fitness enthusiast begins her workout with hip thrusts using a Smith Machine. Here she will do four reps consisting of 10 full range thrusts and 10 pulse reps.

Her favourite glute workout is a combination of low repetitions and heavier lifting followed by higher repetitions and lighter weight work

The fitness enthusiast begins her workout with hip thrusts using a Smith Machine

Her favourite glute workout is a combination of low repetitions and heavier lifting followed by higher repetitions and lighter weight work

Lauren Simpson’s ultimate glute workout:

She will work out her legs a few times a week. 

1. Smith machine hip thrust – 4 x 10 full range and 10 pulse reps

2. Reverse hack squat – 4 x 12 – 12 

3. Angled step outs – 4 x 15

4 Smith machine curtsy lunges – 4x 12

5. Rounded back extension 4 x 25 

Next, still using a Smith Machine, she will change position for what she calls her reverse hack squat. This involves four reps of 12 squats.

Following this Lauren uses a booty band to do four reps of 15 angled step outs.

Returning to the Smith Machine will see her add in curtsy lunges. She will do four reps consisting of 12 lunges.

To finish, she will do rounded back extensions. This activity involves rounding the upper or lower back or both. This exercise not only targets the mid back but also the glutes and hamstrings.

Having finally been able to make fitness ‘a part of her life and not her entire life’ is what has made Lauren such a popular fixture on social media.

The blonde bombshell has more than two million followers on Instagram and she regularly posts some of her favourite meals.

When she’s ‘shredding’ for a bikini competition, breakfast will be a two egg omelette with cauliflower rice, baby spinach, roasted cashew nuts and tomatoes.

When she's 'shredding' for a bikini competition, breakfast will be a two egg omelette with cauliflower rice, baby spinach, roasted cashew nuts and tomatoes

When she’s ‘shredding’ for a bikini competition, breakfast will be a two egg omelette with cauliflower rice, baby spinach, roasted cashew nuts and tomatoes

Before she works out she’ll have rice cakes with chilli tuna and tomatoes, alongside a protein shake.

Lunch is a slice of protein, like fish, with sweet potato wedges, mushrooms and green beans.

Her mid-afternoon coffee will be followed with a piece of fruit for energy. 

What are Lauren Simpson’s nutrition secrets? 

1. Calories in versus calories out is king. Ultimately the results you get is dictated by calories consumed versus calories burned. 

2. A calorie deficit is the only way to drop body fat. If you’re not losing weight on a certain amount of calories, it means you are not in a calorie deficit.

3. How you make up your macros to hit your target calories should be mostly personal. However high protein should always be consistent. If you feel better on more carbs. Eat more carbs. If you feel better on more fats, eat more fats.

4. The best diet is the one you can stick to. Don’t force a nutritional approach on to you that you hate just because your coach says it’s what works for them OR it’s the latest trending fad diet you see all over social media. It’s what works for YOU that matters.

5. Then finally, remember consistency is key to results. Don’t punish yourself for a bad day which then leads to bad weeks. Realise it’s a process. One bad day, just means you had a bad day. End of story. Next day your back on track to smashing your goals!

Dinner will be a large chicken salad with beetroot, lettuce, capsicum and sweet corn. 

Meanwhile dessert is a smoothie bowl with protein, frozen blueberries, almond milk and peanut butter.    

On an average day, Lauren rises at 6.30am with Before You Speak’s Glow collagen coffee before settling onto the lounge to answer some emails and reply to Instagram DM’s.

Lauren incorporates healthy fats, like avocado, into her diet

Lunch is a slice of protein, like fish, with sweet potato wedges, mushrooms and green beans

Lunch is a slice of protein, like fish, with sweet potato wedges, mushrooms and green beans

Later in the morning she’ll visit the kitchen again for breakfast, switching between an egg white omelette on toast and creamy protein oats. 

The omelette includes a mixture of mushrooms, capsicum, spinach and Danish-style feta on top of sandwich thins.   

Following a gym session she enjoys a lunch of three rice paper rolls – one with a tuna filling and two with chicken teriyaki – before enjoying a decaf coffee and an apple. 

Dinner will be a takeaway three times a week or a stir fry if she has decided to stay home.