Pixel 5 screen gap is a normal part of the design says Google

The newly announced and just released Pixel 5 from Google has been highly anticipated but the smartphone is not without any problem. A new Pixel phone usually presents some issues but that is something we know the tech giant isn’t proud of. There have been reports of the Pixel 5 phone suddenly turning back on while on the Pixel stand. There is also the issue of some units showing gaps between the frame and the phone display. A Pixel 5 teardown showed how screen gap is possible or not possible and so we just started waiting for Google’s official statement.

On the Pixel Phone Help page, where someone posted an image of his Pixel 5 with a “gap between the display and the frame/body”, a Community Specialist has responded. It is not an official press release from Google but, at least, an acknowledgement was given.

David Pop, Community Specialist, wrote the following:

Hi Pixel Community,
We’ve had a chance to investigate units from customers and, combined with our quality control data from the factory, we can confirm that the variation in the clearance between the body and the display is a normal part of the design of your Pixel 5. There is no effect on the water and dust resistance or functionality of your phone. We will work with customers on an individual basis to address any concerns they may have.

So the game is a “normal part of the design”. He reiterated it doesn’t have any “effect on the water and dust resistance” or even functionality of the device. Now that is something you don’t want to hear because the gap can be bothersome.

We don’t have the numbers on how many units have been affected but reading through the forum tells us there are only a few. We’re just glad Google said it will address the concerns of the consumers on an individual basis.