Report into anti-Semitism in the Labour party says some members were borderline neo-Nazis

Shock internal report into anti-Semitism in the Labour party says it was so rife that some members were borderline neo-Nazis

  • Internal report found Jeremy Corbyn did little to help discipline offenders  
  • Found a ‘litany of mistakes and missed opportunities’ amid strained relations
  • It also said a better approach to anti-Semitism complaints had been established 

Anti-Semitism was so rife within Labour that some members’ views were like those of neo-Nazis, a damning internal report found.

Investigators said prejudice against Jews became common within the party.

And they revealed former leader Jeremy Corbyn did little to help discipline offenders until two years ago.

The report highlighted ‘a litany of mistakes and missed opportunities’ amid strained relations between Mr Corbyn’s office and Labour HQ.

The report revealed former leader Jeremy Corbyn did little to help discipline offenders until two years ago

But it said a better approach to anti-Semitism complaints had since been established.

Nearly 900 members have been investigated or suspended for anti-Jewish hate in the past three years with 63 expelled.

The report, leaked to the Daily Mail, added: ‘The events which led to this investigation, including the party becoming host to a small number of members holding views which were unarguably hostile to Jewish people and in some cases frankly neo-Nazi in their nature, are deeply disturbing.

‘This has caused great pain to the Jewish community. The party must take all possible steps to repair this damage, and apologise for failing to take action sooner.’

The report – a review of the party’s governance and legal unit between 2014 and 2019 – found Labour was initially slow to take disciplinary action.

Only ten members were suspended and 22 faced notices of investigation (NOIs) in 2017.

But numbers swelled hugely under general secretary Jennie Formby, who took over in 2018.

That year, there were 98 suspensions and 185 notices of investigation, and 296 suspensions and 283 NOIs last year.

Of more than 300 complaints between November 2016 and February 2018, just 34 resulted in formal investigations.

Labour’s former chief of staff Karie Murphy was described as ‘Medusa’

Labour’s former chief of staff Karie Murphy was described as ‘Medusa’ 

The report said: ‘At least half warranted action, many in relation to very extreme anti-Semitism, but were ignored.’

An email inbox for anti-Semitic complaints would go unmonitored ‘for months’.

The report detailed how Mr Corbyn and his office had ‘little or no oversight over the disciplinary process’ before March 2018. This was not helped by the relationship between Mr Corbyn’s office and Labour HQ which was ‘more obstructive than it was constructive’.

The 860-page report included details of messages between staff referring to former communications director Seumas Milne as ‘Dracula’, and that he was ‘spiteful’ and ‘evil’. Labour’s former chief of staff Karie Murphy was described as ‘Medusa’.

The findings were intended to be submitted as an annexe to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission inquiry into Labour’s approach to dealing with anti-Semitism.

The 860-page report included details of messages between staff referring to former communications director Seumas Milne as ‘Dracula’, and that he was ‘spiteful’ and ‘evil’

The 860-page report included details of messages between staff referring to former communications director Seumas Milne as ‘Dracula’, and that he was ‘spiteful’ and ‘evil’

But the party’s lawyers are now understood to have intervened and it will not be sent.

Labour grandee Lord Blunkett attacked the report for attempting to distance Mr Corbyn’s leadership from the problem.

He said: ‘Whatever happened, whether it’s the internal shambles of the last four-and-a-half years or the failure to win elections was entirely down to those who were actually in charge in the leader’s office.’

Last night Labour Against Antisemitism said details from the report – including names of complainants – had been shared online by neo-Nazi groups.

Sir Keir Starmer, who this month replaced Mr Corbyn as leader, and deputy Angela Rayner said the report ‘raised matters of serious concern’ and they would investigate further.

Sir Keir has been praised by Jewish leaders for achieving ‘in four days more than his predecessor in four years’.