Stadia Anniversary update to bring messaging, family sharing and more

Stadia has gained momentum after a rocking start in the last few months, and rightfully so. In their latest batch of updates that we’ve got so accustomed to, the cloud gaming service now has features that gamers were looking forward to. This comes at a time when Stadia will celebrate its first anniversary on November 19 – that’s why the last few weeks have been brimmed with user-centric updates from Stadia. New gaming titles, cross-platform compatibility fixes, and much more that users have loved lately. The latest batch of improvements will roll out within days of the first anniversary and more announcements can be expected on November 19.

The Family Sharing option is now official – allowing Stadia Pro members the ability to share games with family members. This feature was being longed for a very long time and Stadia has finally brought it to the platform. The only disappointment is the inability of playing the games at the same instant by two different family group users. For that, you still need to own two different copies of the game.

Another important feature is the inclusion of in-game messaging that allows players to send messages to fellow gamers. The feature is accessible using the controller, as a part of smart replies that is a part of the Google service ecosystem. There will be controls allowing you to filter the people who can message you – like your friends, or only selected ones or no one at all!

More options are coming to capture sharing on mobile and web, allowing players to share their game screenshots or video clips. Along with that, the captures can be accompanied by game chat voices too. The player’s public profile is more customizable now as a part of the Stadia Profile enhancements. This will give users the freedom to brag about owned games, recently played games, friends list or perhaps invite other gamers to their party.