State pension error that caused widows to lose £100k-plus happens again

Women have been underpaid state pension in a systematic blunder, as exposed by our investigations with Steve Webb A bereaved 80-year-old has fallen foul of a fresh Government state pension blunder we exposed last spring, and was denied an increase from £87 to £209 a week for half a year. Christina Hood lost her husband … Read more

State pension error that caused widows to lose £100k-plus happens again

Women have been underpaid state pension in a systematic blunder, as exposed by our investigations with Steve Webb A bereaved 80-year-old has fallen foul of a fresh Government state pension blunder we exposed last spring, and was denied an increase from £87 to £209 a week for half a year. Christina Hood lost her husband … Read more

Banks are ‘handing £100k-plus to bereaved relatives without probate’

Lawyers are raising the alarm about banks releasing vast sums to bereaved relatives who have no legal authority over a loved one’s finances. A ‘wild west’ scenario is allowing people to access amounts of £100,000-plus without getting probate, an important step to gain control over a deceased person’s assets, they say. Financial institutions should adopt … Read more