Household aerosols release more harmful smog chemicals than UK cars

Household aerosols now release more harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than all vehicles in the UK, a new study reveals. In 2017, the UK population emitted around 60,000 tonnes of VOCs from aerosols but only around 30,000 tonnes from UK cars running gasoline.  But even accounting for all forms of road transport in the country – not … Read more

Scientists reveal how aerosols from a flushing toilet stay in the air for up to 20 seconds

Tiny droplets which can harbour small pieces of urine, faeces, vomit and viruses float into the air at mouth-level after a toilet is flushed, a new study has warned. It shows that tens of thousands of particles are spewed into the air by a flush and can rise several feet above the ground.  Droplets were … Read more

Asteroid impact 66 million years ago released aerosols that blocked the sun and killed the dinosaurs

Asteroid impact 66 million years ago released aerosols and dust into Earth’s upper atmosphere that blocked the sun and killed the dinosaurs, study reveals Previous work suggests the black carbon that filled the air after an asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago was released by massive wildfires Now, researchers found evidence it was … Read more