Trisha Goddard reveals the agonising moment she thought she passed on HIV to her daughter

Trisha Goddard has revealed her horror over thinking she had passed on HIV to her then baby daughter Billie, after learning her first husband secretly battled the virus. The presenter’s ex-husband, Australian politician Robert Nestdale, died in 1989, just weeks after she gave birth to daughter Billie with second husband Mark Grieve – with Trisha … Read more

Trisha Goddard reveals the agonising moment she thought she passed on HIV to her daughter

Trisha Goddard has revealed her horror over thinking she had passed on HIV to her then baby daughter Billie, after learning her first husband secretly battled the virus. The presenter’s ex-husband, Australian politician Robert Nestdale, died in 1989, just weeks after she gave birth to daughter Billie with second husband Mark Grieve – with Trisha … Read more

‘Agonising leg cramp interrupts my sleep’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

I am plagued with cramp in my legs at night. I have great difficulty getting back to sleep, and the various medications I’ve been prescribed don’t work. I am desperate for sleep. Maureen Nash, via email. This is not an uncommon condition. Some 40 per cent of adults experience night cramps, resulting in sleep disturbance … Read more

Tory Cherilyn Mackrory weeps as she tells MPs of agonising decision to have an abortion

‘I told her how much she was loved and then I let her go’: Tory MP Cherilyn Mackrory weeps as she tells baby loss debate she ‘kissed her daughter goodbye’ after agonising abortion decision at 20 weeks when she discovered baby was severely d Falmouth and Truro MP fought back tears during a debate on … Read more

Woman, 23, who rushed to hospital with agonising period pains is stunned to discover she’s in labour

A woman who thought she was suffering from severe period pain was left stunned when doctors told her she was in labour – with a baby that was a week overdue.  Holly Henton, 23, from Market Harborough, Leicestershire, had been having regular menstrual cycles when she started experiencing stronger than usual cramps while closing up the … Read more

As actress Terri Dwyer found, delaying bunion surgery can have agonising effect

At times the pain was so bad that it kept actress and TV presenter Terri Dwyer awake at night. Hers isn’t the kind of pain you might associate with night-time waking — backache, for instance, or a creaky hip — but bunions. At times even a sheet over her foot was an unbearable weight. Despite … Read more

We’ve been fobbed off by our male doctors too! More women speak out over agonising endometriosis

Stranded. Ashamed. Vulnerable. Like you’re going crazy. This is how it feels to hear your debilitating symptoms dismissed as ‘attention-seeking behaviour’, according to 41-year-old Alison O’Neil. In spring 2014, the local government worker developed a numbness in her feet. ‘One day I was walking around the office without my left shoe on and I didn’t … Read more

Woman, 23, with allergy to WATER is unable to shower due to agonising pain

A woman with a 1 in 156 million allergy is left unable to shower daily due extreme pain when water touches her skin.  Rachael Fetter, 23, was diagnosed with Aquagenic Urticaria – an allergy to water – in July 2019 after she began developing painful hives every time she washed her hands, took a shower … Read more

Cream made from COUGH SYRUP could be the unlikely new remedy for agonising head and face pain

A cream made from cough medicine could be an unlikely new remedy for agonising face pain suffered by thousands of people in the UK. The rub-on cream contains a drug called ambroxol, which has been used for decades in cough syrups to break up mucus in the lungs. But now scientists have discovered it also … Read more