Sixty per cent of German A-level students now get an A/A*

Education experts have criticised the ‘staggering’ number of A grades in the revised A-level results as modern foreign languages, maths and classics are revealed as the subjects with the highest rate of A or A* grades in England.  Results based on teachers assessed grades showed more than 10 per cent of entries have been upgraded … Read more

ALL A-Level students will get a place at their first choice university if they have the grades

 All A-Level students will get a place at their first choice university if they have the grades, and the caps on medical degrees will now be scrapped, ministers have announced today. Thousands of students have this week been scrambling to get places at their first choice university after after Education Secretary Gavin Williamson scrapped the … Read more

ALL A-Level students will get a place at their first choice university if they have the grades

All A-Level students will get a place at their first choice university if they have the grades, and the caps on medical degrees will now be scrapped, ministers have announced today. Thousands of students have this week been scrambling to get places at their first choice university after a screeching u-turn on A-Level results means … Read more

A-level pass rate rises to RECORD high after switch to teacher-assessed grades

More than ten per cent of A-level students results have been upgraded to an A or higher after the algorithm was ditched for teacher assessed marks following an outcry.  The proportion of A-level entries receiving an A grade or higher has increased to a record high for England, with 38.1% awarded the top grades. When … Read more

PM under pressure to ditch holiday and take charge of A-level results chaos

Boris Johnson is today facing calls to end his holiday in Scotland early to return to Downing Street and take charge of the education omnishambles as Tory MPs warned the Government it is being ‘laughed at’.  The Prime Minister is not expected to return to Number 10 until next week but the debacle surrounding A-level … Read more

‘Stretched’ universities face being overwhelmed by A-level U-turn

Universities have been thrown into chaos over the Government’s exams U-turn last night as 55,000 pupils scramble for the remaining places, amid fears that even next year’s cohort could be affected. The industry’s main umbrella body said universities were seeking ‘urgent clarification’ on how to accommodate students they had earlier refused because of A-level results … Read more

‘Stretched’ universities face being overwhelmed by A-level U-turn

Universities have been thrown into chaos over the Government’s exams U-turn last night as 55,000 pupils scramble for the remaining places and elite institutions warned of ‘stretched resources.’ The industry’s main umbrella body said universities were seeking ‘urgent clarification’ on how to accommodate students they had earlier refused because of A-level results downgrades.  55,000 pupils … Read more

Eton College headmaster leads calls for the government to scrap ‘unfair’ A-level algorithm

School chiefs are ‘greatly relieved’ following the Government A-level U-turn after ministers heeded calls from the headmaster of Eton College to dump the ‘unfair’ algorithm.  Simon Henderson said that several of pupils had seen their teacher-assessed grades downgraded by the standardising process, sometimes by more than one grade, ‘and in a way which on many … Read more

Gavin Williamson is told he must ‘carry the can’ for A-level results debacle

Gavin Williamson is told he must ‘carry the can’ for A-level results debacle as Boris Johnson stands by him but MPs demand the ‘ineffectual’ Education Secretary quit Gavin Williamson under growing pressure over handling of A-level results chaos  Number 10 insisted Boris Johnson does have confidence in Education Secretary But some MPs believe Mr Williamson … Read more

Ofqal board members ‘want to ditch their own A-level algorithm’

Some Ofqual board members want to get rid of their own controversial A-level algorithm after almost 40 per cent of grades were downgraded by the system. Critics have complained the algorithm used by Ofqual penalised pupils in schools in more disadvantaged areas, while benefiting those in private schools. Some board members now believe the algorithm … Read more