Invasive animals brought into protected areas by humans put native species at risk

Non-native ‘alien’ species introduced by humans to an area near to a protected wildlife site are destroying natural habitats and killing local species, study warns. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science and University College London found that protected areas across the globe were at risk from these ‘alien’ species. The team say the majority … Read more

Dutch government closes infected mink farms amid fears the animals could act as COVID-19 reservoirs 

The Dutch government has ordered the closure of mink fur farms amid fears that they could act as ‘reservoirs’ for COVID-19 after two workers caught the disease. Nine infected farms will be closed from tomorrow, with thousands of mink — whose glossy coats are prized for fur clothing — to be culled in the cautionary … Read more

Man caught swimming in toxic pool ‘filled with dead animals’ in Derbyshire

Man caught swimming in toxic pool ‘filled with dead animals’ despite firemen dyeing it black to put people off Derbyshire’s ‘Blue Lagoon’ is an abandoned former quarry officially known as Hoffmans Quarry The water is full of harmful chemicals and reportedly has the same PH value as bleach The site has been attracting hundreds of … Read more

Wuhan BANS eating wild animals for five years

The Chinese city of Wuhan has banned the eating of wild animals, a practice believed to have caused the coronavirus pandemic. The new policy went into effect on May 13 and will stay in place for five years, according to a notice released by the Wuhan government today. Experts in China said in January that … Read more

Australia’s pet cats kill 230m animals per year – or 186 each

Killer cats! Study finds feline pets slaughter 230 MILLION reptiles, birds and mammals each year in Australia as a result of irresponsible owners Researchers tracked the hunting behavior of pet cats in Australia The team found these creatures kill some 230 million native animals per year There are three million pet cats and two million … Read more

Landmark study: Virus didn’t come from animals in Wuhan market

China’s claims that the pandemic emerged from a wild animal market in Wuhan last December have been challenged by a landmark scientific study. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease. … Read more

Owners who tug on their dog’s leash risk injuring the animal’s neck, research finds

Owners who tug on their dog’s leash risk injuring the animal’s neck – and it can lead to breathing difficulties, research finds Even the lightest tug on a lead said to exert force similar to that of a a tourniquet When a dog on a lead suddenly lunges, the force could even be six times greater … Read more

BBC travel presenter Simon Reeve warns that the lockdown has left animals vulnerable to poachers

BBC travel presenter Simon Reeve warns that the lockdown has left animals vulnerable to poachers – even in parks and conservancies Many rangers and guides at national parks across the globe are being laid off This is leaving endangered animals unprotected and poaching has increased  Rhinos have been killed in Africa in tourist areas considered … Read more

German zoo warns it will have to feed some animals to others as coronavirus keeps visitors away

A director of a zoo in Germany has admitted that for her zoo to survive, it may be forced to feed some animals to others. Visitor attractions across the globe have been closed down because of the coronavirus, and without the income generated from visitors, zoos are struggling to find the funds to look after … Read more

German zoo warns it will have to feed some animals to others as coronavirus keeps visitors away

A director of a zoo in Germany has admitted that for her zoo to survive, it may be forced to feed some animals to others. Visitor attractions across the globe have been closed down because of the coronavirus, and without the income generated from visitors, zoos are struggling to find the funds to look after … Read more