What are my rights if my internet is slow? We reveal the answer to the UK’s broadband questions 

As more households rely on home broadband than ever before, there has been a surge in searches for problems related to the internet. Online searches for ‘slow internet’ and ‘slow broadband’ have seen an increase of 60 per cent, highlighting the number of users potentially suffering with sluggish speeds. The problem is likely to be … Read more

Dominic Raab won’t answer if he or whole cabinet will have ultimate responsibility for the country

Dominic Raab took charge of Britain’s battle against coronavirus on Tuesday as acting Prime Minister – but was warned just to ‘hold on to the steering wheel’.  Mr Raab, who is First Secretary of State, was asked to deputise for Boris Johnson after he was moved into intensive care.  He has been handed a raft … Read more

Is the answer for coronavirus already on chemists’ shelves?

Scientists the world over are working round the clock to find a cure for the deadly coronavirus.  With little time to develop new medicines from scratch — and a vaccine to prevent the infection thought to be at least a year away — much of their effort involves ‘repurposing’ existing treatments.  This means testing drugs … Read more

Trump refuses to let Dr. Tony Fauci answer about anti-malarial as a coronavirus treatment 

President Donald Trump stopped Dr. Tony Fauci from answering a question about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus as he tried to push a more hopeful message about the pandemic. The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a  ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ in … Read more

Trump refuses to let Dr. Tony Fauci answer about anti-malarial as a coronavirus treatment 

President Donald Trump stopped Dr. Tony Fauci from answering a question about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus as he tried to push a more hopeful message about the pandemic. The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a  ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ – … Read more

From job fears to housing horrors, the experts answer all your burning questions

From jobs to leisure, household finances and housing, it seems hardly anything is left untouched by coronavirus, writes Sarah Bridge. Here, we ask a panel of experts to answer some of your many questions to help you get through these tough times.  SUPPORT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES  Russ Jones writes: ‘I have a small business which … Read more

More than 600 3D printers answer NHS call to arms and start producing thousands of visors

The owners of more than 600 3D printers have answered Britain’s call to arms and started to produce thousands of visors for the NHS.  The masks, which protect doctors and nurses treating coronavirus patients, are being delivered to hospitals across the country. It comes after several hospitals on the frontline of the outbreak reportedly ran out of face masks … Read more

More than 600 3D printers answer NHS call to arms and start producing thousands of visors

More than 600 3D printers have answered Britain’s call to arms and started to produce thousands of face visors for the NHS.  The masks, which protect doctors and nurses against coronavirus, are being delivered to hospitals across the country. It comes after several hospitals on the frontline of the outbreak reportedly ran out of face … Read more

More than 7,500 ex-nurses and midwives answer NHS rallying cry

More than 7,500 ex-nurses and midwives answer NHS rallying cry and return to help battle coronavirus pandemic Thousands of nurses answered the rallying cry within the last seven days All had left the NHS within the last three years to retire or change roles More than 6,000 pharmacists have re-registered in response to the outbreak … Read more

More than 7,500 ex-nurses and midwives answer NHS rallying cry

More than 7,500 ex-nurses and midwives answer NHS rallying cry and return to help battle coronavirus pandemic Thousands of nurses answered the rallying cry within the last seven days All had left the NHS within the last three years to retire or change roles More than 6,000 pharmacists have re-registered in response to the outbreak … Read more