How long until Britain gets its hands on another coronavirus vaccine?

Britain could start using Oxford University’s coronavirus before Christmas, if it gets approved by drug regulators in a decision that could come within the next week.  The MHRA this week became the first agency in the world to green-light a Covid-19 vaccine for public use when it approved one made by Pfizer and BioNTech. And … Read more

Cyber hackers target Covid vaccine ‘cold chain’ distribution firms, IBM says

Cyber hackers target Covid vaccine ‘cold chain’ distribution firms in ‘global campaign with hallmarks of a nation state’, IBM says IBM said it uncovered a ‘global phishing campaign’ that started in September Comes after suspected North Korean hackers targeted British vaccine Not clear who carried out the latest attack but had ‘hallmarks’ of a nation … Read more

No10’s ‘Union Unit asked for UK flag to be printed on vaccine doses’

Downing Street’s ‘Union Unit asked for the UK flag to be printed on doses of the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine’ as part of a plan to counter calls for Scottish independence Number 10’s Union Unit was set up to counter calls for Scottish independence It is said to have asked for the Union flag to … Read more

No10’s ‘Union Unit asked for UK flag to be printed on vaccine doses’

Downing Street’s ‘Union Unit asked for the UK flag to be printed on doses of the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine’ as part of a plan to counter calls for Scottish independence Number 10’s Union Unit was set up to counter calls for Scottish independence It is said to have asked for the Union flag to … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Chris Whitty cagey on Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer, refused to back Oxford’s vaccine The Chief Medical Officer has dodged giving the AstraZeneca jab his full backing as the company revealed it will run a new Oxford vaccine trial. Chris Whitty refused to back the injection when asked about the controversy surrounding data from its late-stage trials at a Downing Street … Read more

AstraZeneca will likely run a NEW global coronavirus vaccine trial, CEO says

AstraZeneca will likely to run an additional global trial to assess the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine, according to the company’s Chief Executive Pascal Soriot, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday. It comes after the firm came under fire because the most promising arm of its original trial happened by accident when a portion of participants … Read more

Is December 9 the day Britain starts its Covid vaccination drive?

People in the UK could start actually receiving vaccines against coronavirus from December 9, according to a local health boss. The NHS in Nottingham is gearing up to start doling out jabs in less than two weeks’ time, if one is given the green light by the drugs regulator. None have yet been approved for public … Read more

Is December 9 the day Britain starts its Covid vaccination drive?

People in the UK could start actually receiving vaccines against coronavirus by December 9, according to a local health boss. The NHS in Nottingham is gearing up to start giving people jabs in less than two weeks’ time if one is given the green light by the drugs regulator. None have yet been approved for … Read more

AstraZeneca boss dismisses criticism over coronavirus vaccine after experts raised flag

An AstraZeneca boss has dismissed claims Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine is based on ‘shaky science’ and insisted the jab works ‘whichever way you cut the data’.  Hopes of ending the pandemic grew on Monday when Oxford scientists announced the jab – which is being manufactured by UK pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca – could block up to … Read more

£16,000 for every household… So, asks ALEX BRUMMER, how DO we pay it back? 

With Britain in the throes of its greatest peacetime economic emergency, it’s hard to find reasons to be cheerful. Yet, in the midst of the catastrophic figures published yesterday, let’s not forget barely three days have passed since a great British university (Oxford) and a British pharmaceutical giant (AstraZeneca) delivered on the promise of a … Read more