The Crown tells tragic story of Queen’s cousins who were locked in asylum and registered as DEAD

The Crown returns to our screens this weekend and promises a royal roller-coaster of drama as it delves into Charles and Diana’s marriage and the late princess’ battle with bulimia. But this isn’t the only scandal which caught the eye of scriptwriters for the latest series of the Netflix hit.  This season, set in the … Read more

The Crown tells tragic story of Queen’s cousins who were locked in asylum and registered as DEAD

The Crown returns to our screens this weekend and promises a royal roller-coaster of drama as it delves into Charles and Diana’s marriage and the late princess’ battle with bulimia. But this isn’t the only scandal which caught the eye of scriptwriters for the latest series of the Netflix hit.  This season, set in the … Read more

‘We have no choice’: Desperate migrant family wanted to come to UK because asylum was ‘quicker’

A family of desperate Kurdish-Iranian migrants who paid people smugglers £21,600 for a new life in Britain agonised over the decision in a French tent city for days – before making the tragic fatal crossing with the hope of a ‘quicker’ asylum process and a decent education for the children in the UK. Construction worker Rasoul … Read more

Priti Patel says asylum system is ‘broken’ as 20 Channel migrants are taken off deportation flight

Priti Patel today branded Britain’s asylum system ‘broken’ after 20 migrants were taken off a new deportation flight to Germany. The Home Secretary sent another handful of migrants back to mainland Europe, but was hit by a flurry of 11th-hour legal challenges. An immigration enforcement charter flight yesterday flew three Iranians, two Eritreans, an Iraqi … Read more

Priti Patel vows to overhaul ‘broken’ asylum system

Priti Patel today vowed to stop people ‘taking our country for a ride’ by overhauling the ‘broken’ asylum system and cracking down on migrant crossings. The Home Secretary pledged the ‘biggest overhaul in decades’ as she warned that the current arrangements are not ‘firm or fair’. In her keynote speech to Tory conference, Ms Patel … Read more

Priti Patel vows to overhaul ‘broken’ asylum system

Priti Patel today vowed to stop people ‘taking our country for a ride’ by overhauling the ‘broken’ asylum system and cracking down on migrant crossings. The Home Secretary pledged the ‘biggest overhaul in decades’ as she warned that the current arrangements are not ‘firm or fair’. In her keynote speech to Tory conference, Ms Patel … Read more

Asylum seekers’ taxi rides to hotels and detention centres are costing the taxpayer millions

Revealed: Asylum seekers’ taxi rides to hotels and detention centres are costing the taxpayer millions Asylum seekers are being driven in taxis from airports to hotels or interviews Clearsprings Ready Homes is awarded £1.1billion Home Office contract over 10 years  The private company houses migrants in south of England and Wales It has paid one … Read more

Asylum seekers’ taxi rides to hotels and detention centres are costing the taxpayer millions

Revealed: Asylum seekers’ taxi rides to hotels and detention centres are costing the taxpayer millions Asylum seekers are being driven in taxis from airports to hotels or interviews Clearsprings Ready Homes is awarded £1.1billion Home Office contract over 10 years  The private company houses migrants in south of England and Wales It has paid one … Read more

Residents outrage over Tenby asylum seeker housing

Crime commissioner demands Home Office apologise to residents for housing hundreds of asylum seekers at army barracks in west Wales after angry protests at the site The Home Office wants to house asylum seekers in barracks on the Welsh coast Locals have complained about the decision to send the 250 people to their area The … Read more

Priti Patel ‘looked at sending asylum seekers to tiny volcanic islands’

Priti Patel ‘looked at sending asylum seekers thousands of miles from the UK to tiny volcanic islands in the South Atlantic while their cases were considered’ Ms Patel abandoned the plan after instructing officials to drill down into logistics St Helena island was also touted as a potential site for the processing facility Labour said … Read more