PLATELL’S PEOPLE: Yes, Myleen Klass you ARE mum to the babies that you lost

Myleene Klass’s revelation that she is ‘Mama to seven children’ is confusing. She has two daughters by her ex-husband and a son by her current partner. By anyone’s calculation that’s three kids. But she was including in her family the four babies she miscarried. She told of the trauma she suffered, describing the souls she … Read more

Inflatable babies slug it out in ‘boxing match’ as couple take gender reveal parties to a new level 

And in the blue corner! Two huge inflatable babies slug it out in ‘boxing match’ as couple take gender reveal parties to a new level Rose Safar used a ‘boxing match’ to reveal she and husband were expecting boy Her nephew and cousin dressed up in the baby costumes in Jacksonville, Florida  When female fell … Read more

Sugar babies proudly flaunt their VERY expensive gifts on TikTok

A new trend is seeing sugar babies flaunting their very extravagant gifts, showing off the wads of cash they’ve received, and giving advice on how to ‘hunt’ an older man online. The hashtag SugarBabies has racked up over 211.4M views on TikTok and is full of young women showing off the designer handbags, shoes, jewellery, … Read more

Sugar babies proudly flaunt their VERY expensive gifts on TikTok

A new trend is seeing sugar babies flaunting their very extravagant gifts, showing off the wads of cash they’ve received, and giving advice on how to ‘hunt’ an older man online. The hashtag SugarBabies has racked up over 211.4M views on TikTok and is full of young women showing off the designer handbags, shoes, jewellery, … Read more

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB, study finds Previously experts thought it only strikes when infants are older than six months But research found the autoimmune disease can develop before infants are born Breakthrough raises hope scientists will find new treatments for type 1 diabetes By Eleanor Hayward Health … Read more

Scientists discover an ‘off switch’ for vision loss in premature babies and diabetics

Scientists discover an ‘off switch’ for vision loss in premature babies and diabetics that prevents blood vessels growing over the retina Researchers found a protein linked to the regression of blood vessels in mice  These blood vessels in mouse eyes naturally disappear soon after they are born As they disappear levels of the protein found … Read more

Bombarding people with viagra adverts increases the number of babies born, study shows 

The hard sell: Bombarding people with VIAGRA adverts on TV and radio INCREASES the number of babies born, study shows A new study claims one per cent increase in ED advertising can affect birth rates Co-author Dr Tongil Kim says his data suggests it isn’t only older men using pills The new study was published … Read more

Weaning babies on WEETABIX ‘could prevent wheat allergies’

Introducing babies to gluten-rich foods such as Weetabix from four months of age could prevent them from developing wheat allergies as they get older, study finds.  Researchers from King’s College London examined data on 1,004 babies as part of a wider study into food tolerances and how they develop. Half those studied were breastfed exclusively … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Parents are kept away from seeing their seriously ill babies in intensive care

Parents are kept away from seeing their seriously ill babies in intensive care as hospitals impose ‘horrendous’ social distancing rules One mother, Taylor Moss, said visits to her premature baby have been limited Her daughter, Tyger-Rose, was given less than a five per cent chance of survival Another new mother didn’t hold her baby for … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Parents are kept away from seeing their seriously ill babies in intensive care

Parents are kept away from seeing their seriously ill babies in intensive care as hospitals impose ‘horrendous’ social distancing rules One mother, Taylor Moss, said visits to her premature baby have been limited Her daughter, Tyger-Rose, was given less than a five per cent chance of survival Another new mother didn’t hold her baby for … Read more