SHAUN BAILEY: Violence at the Black Lives Matter protests is a betrayal of our cause 

SHAUN BAILEY: Violence at the Black Lives Matter protests is a betrayal of our cause By Shaun Bailey For The Daily Mail Published: 23:56 BST, 3 June 2020 | Updated: 09:10 BST, 4 June 2020 The universal revulsion felt across Britain at the killing of George Floyd could be a catalyst for tremendous positive change. … Read more

SHAUN BAILEY: Violence at the Black Lives Matter protests is a betrayal of our cause 

SHAUN BAILEY: Violence at the Black Lives Matter protests is a betrayal of our cause By Shaun Bailey For The Daily Mail Published: 23:56 BST, 3 June 2020 | Updated: 00:21 BST, 4 June 2020 The universal revulsion felt across Britain at the killing of George Floyd could be a catalyst for tremendous positive change. … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Mark Carney leaves Andrew Bailey no room for complacency

ALEX BRUMMER: Mark Carney’s final fusillade leaves Andrew Bailey with no room at all for complacency By Alex Brummer for the Daily Mail Published: 21:57 BST, 11 March 2020 | Updated: 21:57 BST, 11 March 2020 The middle of a global health emergency is no time to fight old arguments about the eurozone. Nevertheless, not … Read more

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey tries to calm fears over recession

The Bank of England has moved to calm fears over coronavirus triggering the deepest recession for 300 years. Governor Andrew Bailey said the downturn due to lockdown was ‘very sharp’, but said the Bank is buying up a ‘much larger’ stock of government debt than could have been ‘imagined’ during the credit crunch.  The enormous … Read more

We MUST get rescue loans to our small firms, says Andrew Bailey

When Andrew Bailey switched on his TV at home on Monday evening for the latest Covid-19 coverage and saw that the price of West Texas Intermediate oil had plunged into negative territory, it was something of an alarm call. For the Governor of the Bank of England – one of the small team of executives … Read more

Bank of England boss Andrew Bailey warns that lifting the lockdown too soon would cause WORSE damage

The governor of the Bank of England today issues a stark warning that Britain should be cautious about lifting the coronavirus lockdown too early. In his first interview since taking the top job, Andrew Bailey told the Daily Mail that a premature end to the restrictions could cause a severe loss of confidence and inflict … Read more

Bank of England boss Andrew Bailey warns that lifting the lockdown too soon would cause WORSE damage

The governor of the Bank of England today issues a stark warning that Britain should be cautious about lifting the coronavirus lockdown too early. In his first interview since taking the top job, Andrew Bailey told the Daily Mail that a premature end to the restrictions could cause a severe loss of confidence and inflict … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Sunak and Bailey have come up with the right policies

The country has been left in no doubt about the economic mantra of Covid-19.  It is Rishi Sunak’s much repeated ‘whatever it takes’.  The new Chancellor – the brightest political star for many a year – has followed through decisively.  There was an extra £30billion of spending in the Budget, followed by £350billion of bailout … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: At Bank of England, Andrew Bailey displays assertiveness he never discovered at FCA

As the Covid-19 crisis erupted, few would have predicted that central banks would end up front of stage. The ongoing volatility on financial markets has given them a key role.  In his third day as Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey displayed the assertiveness which he never quite discovered in his previous job … Read more

Bailey faces a baptism of fire at the Bank as the global economy teeters on the brink of recession

Bailey faces a baptism of fire at the Bank as the global economy teeters on the brink of recession Adrew Bailey starts work as Governor of the Bank of England today Bailey joined forces with Carney last week to announce a cut in interest rates  They unveiled plans to free up £290billion for lenders to loan … Read more