BCG DOES protect against Covid-19, study confirms

A vaccine first mass produced in 1924 and widely used in the UK until 1994 to combat tuberculosis may offer protection against Covid-19, a study has found.  Academics studied countries that have high and low levels of the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) jab and found a clear link between the vaccine and a lower death rate. … Read more

BCG DOES protect against Covid-19, study confirms

Century-old BCG vaccine used to eradicate tuberculosis ‘reduces the chance of death from Covid-19’, study confirms Previous studies suggested the BCG vaccine offers protection from Covid-19  US researchers conducted a comprehensive review and found a clear link Say it is currently impossible to say if it is causative or just a correlation  But found countries with … Read more

Coronavirus death rate is SIX TIMES lower in countries that use BCG vaccine

Countries that have a widespread vaccination programme involving the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) jab have a coronavirus death rate almost six times lower than nations that do not use it, a study reveals.   The BCG vaccine was invented a century ago and gives immunity to tuberculosis (TB) — a bacterial infection — but it is known … Read more