Leading scientist blasts government coronavirus ‘secrecy’ and tells ministers to stop passing buck

Ministers should stop claiming they are ‘following the science’ and stop passing the buck in the battle against coronavirus, a leading scientist has demanded.  Sir Adrian Smith, 73, a statistician and the the incoming president of the Royal Society, said politicians are justifying their measures by saying they are following expert advice to appear decisive.  … Read more

Leading scientist blasts government coronavirus ‘secrecy’ and tells ministers to stop passing buck

Ministers should stop claiming they are ‘following the science’ and stop passing the buck in the battle against coronavirus, a leading scientist has demanded.  Sir Adrian Smith, 73, a statistician and the the incoming president of the Royal Society, said politicians are justifying their measures by saying they are following expert advice to appear decisive.  … Read more

‘What a sick joke’: MP blasts court decision to erase Gerry Adams’ criminal record

Hundreds of former paramilitary suspects could win compensation after the Supreme Court yesterday erased Gerry Adams’ criminal record. Judges overturned the Sinn Fein ex-leader’s convictions for trying to escape from the Maze prison in the 1970s on the basis his detention was unlawful. It means the 71-year-old now has no criminal record from his central … Read more

Nobel Prize-winning biologist blasts Matt Hancock’s 100,000 daily Covid tests target as a ‘PR stunt’

A Nobel Prize-winning biologist has branded the Government’s 100,000 coronavirus tests per day target a ‘PR stunt’ as it emerged that it was ‘likely’ to be hit on time. Sir Paul Nurse, chief executive of biomedical research centre the Francis Crick Institute, also tore into the strategy on Question Time last night and said it … Read more

Nobel Prize-winning biologist blasts Matt Hancock’s 100,000 daily Covid tests target as a ‘PR stunt’

A Nobel Prize-winning biologist has branded the Government’s 100,000 coronavirus tests per day target a ‘PR stunt’ as it emerged that it was ‘likely’ to be hit on time. Sir Paul Nurse, chief executive of biomedical research centre the Francis Crick Institute, also tore into the strategy on Question Time last night and said it … Read more

Chinese state media blasts Trump for ‘destroying America’s democracy and freedom’

China’s state newspaper has lashed out at U.S. President Donald Trump, accusing him of destroying America’s democracy, freedom, and human rights in an escalating diplomatic dispute over the coronavirus pandemic. ‘Numerous people are wondering how the US system can tolerate such a person as a president,’ state-run tabloid Global Times criticizes in an opinion piece. The … Read more

Ben Fordham BLASTS ‘dangerous moron’ Pete Evans for promoting a ‘healing lamp’

Pete Evans has landed himself in hot water for controversially spruiking a ‘healing lamp’ he bizarrely claimed  could help treat COVID-19.  Aside from receiving a $25,200 fine for his statements, Pete has also earned himself a public savaging by 2GB presenter Ben Fordham.  Appearing on his radio show on Monday, Ben sensationally branded Pete a … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Duncan Bannatyne blasts Richard Branson

Duncan Bannatyne and Simon Cowell have hit out at mega-rich stars including Victoria Beckham and Sir Richard Branson for seeking millions of pounds from the taxpayer to bail out their failing companies.   Branson has asked for a taxpayer bailout to save Virgin Atlantic from collapse while Victoria Beckham told 30 employees at her fashion brand … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Duncan Bannatyne blasts Richard Branson

Duncan Bannatyne has blasted Sir Richard Branson for seeking a £500m taxpayer bailout to save Virgin Atlantic from collapse. The Dragon’s Den star said the billionaire Virgin Group boss should instead go to a bank for help during a row with his followers on Twitter.  And he also hit out at Branson’s offer to mortgage … Read more

Ofcom blasts ITV after Eamonn Holmes comments about 5G being responsible for coronavirus

Ofcom blasts ITV after Eamonn Holmes’ ‘ill-judged’ comments about 5G technology being responsible for coronavirus pandemic triggered 419 complaints from viewers Ofcom has issued ‘guidance’ to ITV for Eamonn Holmes’ ‘ill-judge’ 5G comments The ITV presenter made ‘highly sensitive’ statements on discredited conspiracy theories linking the spread of the coronavirus to 5G technology Holmes later … Read more