Boris Johnson tells Tory MPs he wants to SCRAP the one-metre-plus rule in pubs on June 21

Boris Johnson has told Conservative MPs the ‘one-metre plus’ rule for social distancing is still set to be scrapped in June.  The Prime Minister said eliminating the measure was the ‘single biggest difference’ the government could bring about in order to get Britain’s pubs back into action, and he was eager for the rule to … Read more

Boris Johnson tells Tory MPs he wants to SCRAP the one-metre-plus rule in pubs on June 21

Boris Johnson has told Conservative MPs the ‘one-metre plus’ rule for social distancing is still set to be scrapped in June.  The Prime Minister said eliminating the measure was the ‘single biggest difference’ the government could bring about in order to get Britain’s pubs back into action, and he was eager for the rule to … Read more

Model who sang about imagined fling with Boris Johnson now refuses to let her art share a wall

She once sang about an imagined tryst with Boris Johnson, and now quirky musician and model Bip Ling is raising eyebrows for a different reason. At this week’s launch party for Art In The Age Of Now, a new exhibition at Fulham Town Hall, the 31-year-old caused a scene when she fell out with the … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: The Boris Johnson I once knew is in a tailspin 

What has happened to the liberal-minded Boris Johnson I used to know, the free- spirited enemy of overbearing government? Where exactly has the brilliant, clear-thinking journalist gone to, the man who used effortlessly to skewer bossy or fuzzy-minded politicians, and put them firmly in their place? He wasn’t to be found yesterday at Prime Minister’s … Read more

Airlines’ fury at Boris Johnson’s amber list debacle

Travel bosses reacted with fury last night after Boris Johnson hardened his stance on trips to amber list countries. The Prime Minister said families should visit medium-risk destinations only in ‘extreme circumstances’ and not for holidays. On Monday he was less definitive, saying such trips should be for ‘pressing’ family or business reasons only. Confusion … Read more

Airlines’ fury at Boris Johnson’s amber list debacle

Travel bosses reacted with fury last night after Boris Johnson hardened his stance on trips to amber list countries. The Prime Minister said families should visit medium-risk destinations only in ‘extreme circumstances’ and not for holidays. On Monday he was less definitive, saying such trips should be for ‘pressing’ family or business reasons only. Confusion … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: The Boris Johnson I once knew is in a tailspin 

What has happened to the liberal-minded Boris Johnson I used to know, the free- spirited enemy of overbearing government? Where exactly has the brilliant, clear-thinking journalist gone to, the man who used effortlessly to skewer bossy or fuzzy-minded politicians, and put them firmly in their place? He wasn’t to be found yesterday at Prime Minister’s … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: The blame for this Indian variant fiasco lies with Boris Johnson

It takes a special kind of selfish, deluded fool to refuse to take the covid vaccine but persist in ranting about the evils of lockdowns. Yesterday, rock legend Eric Clapton did his best to dissuade people from having the jab after claiming the side effects he suffered made him fear he would never perform again. … Read more

Boris Johnson defends Australia trade deal that will allow cheap foreign meat imports

Boris Johnson insisted that British farmers could still benefit from Brexit today as he waded into a major Cabinet rift over an Australian trade deal that could flood the UK with cheap meat.  The Prime Minister signalled his backing for Trade Secretary Liz Truss, who wants to give producers from Down Under tariff-free access to UK … Read more

Boris says there’s ‘increasing confidence’ Covid vaccines work against Indian variant

Vaccines work well against the Indian coronavirus variant and the strain may be less infecetious than first feared, Boris Johnson and one of his top scientific advisers revealed today. The PM said there was ‘increasing confidence’ among SAGE that the current jabs are highly effective against all variants, including the B.1.617.2 strain which has put England’s … Read more