Brain stimulation enables blind patients to ‘see’ the alphabet 

A pioneering solution to blindness bypasses damaged eyes and delivers visual information directly to the brain, allowing people to ‘see’. US researchers have used brain-implanted electrodes that allow blind people to artificially see and record a sequence of letters. The electrodes trace shapes on the visual cortex – the region of the back of the … Read more

Blood test could diagnose concussion by picking up proteins released by dying brain cells 

Blood test could diagnose concussion in just 15 minutes by picking up proteins released by dying brain cells Currently brain injuries like concussion have to be diagnosed using CT scans The new way of testing would allow people access to proper treatment sooner It successfully identified 64 per cent of people with brain injuries in … Read more

Determined bride swore she wouldn’t let a golf ball-sized brain tumor stop her wedding 

A South Dakota woman said she refused to let a brain tumor and surgery prevent her from walking down the aisle. For about a year, Christina Anderson, 24, from Watertown, was experiencing severe dizzy spells after her December 2017 engagement to Brandon Jensen. One day in May, while she was in the midst of planning her wedding, … Read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: I have loathed them for years. Now I discover video games boost the brain!

Like many, I’ve long believed that our relentless use of social media is, for want of a better term, rotting our brains. Over-reliance on screens is compromising our physical health, so it can’t be good for our brains, either. I have a particular loathing for video games – a pursuit three of my children have … Read more

Scrubs actor Sam Lloyd dies at 56 after battling an inoperable brain tumor last year

Scrubs actor Sam Lloyd dead at 56 after battling an inoperable brain tumor …as Zach Braff leads tributes By George Stark For Published: 00:50 BST, 2 May 2020 | Updated: 00:57 BST, 2 May 2020 Scrubs actor Sam Lloyd has died at age 56. The shows creator Bill Lawrence confirmed the news on Friday … Read more

‘If I had half Jeeves’s brain I’d have a stab at being Prime Minister!’

You will notice, as you flit through these reminiscences of mine, that from time to time the scene of action is laid in and around the city of New York; and it is just possible that this may occasion the puzzled look and the start of surprise. ‘What,’ it is possible that you may ask yourselves, … Read more

‘If I had half Jeeves’s brain I’d have a stab at being Prime Minister!’

You will notice, as you flit through these reminiscences of mine, that from time to time the scene of action is laid in and around the city of New York; and it is just possible that this may occasion the puzzled look and the start of surprise. ‘What,’ it is possible that you may ask yourselves, … Read more

Covid-19 may cause blood clotting and raise the risk of blood vessel blockages in the brain

Coronavirus may cause an increased risk of blood clots and blockages in the brain and could lead to a stroke, according to a new study by University College London. The small study focused on six patients with confirmed COVID-19 who had suffered a stroke caused by the sudden loss of blood circulation to the brain. … Read more

Sniff test that presents brain injury patients with smells can predict recovery

Exposing brain injury patients to a range of smell can determine whether they are going to recover, according to researchers behind a ‘sniff test’ study. Researchers from the University of Cambridge presented patients with smells including shampoo and rotten fish then monitored their reactions via a nasal tube.   In the new study, researchers looked at … Read more

Disturbing scans reveal how brain damage caused by alcohol carries on for up to SIX WEEKS

Disturbing scans reveal how brain damage caused by alcohol carries on for up to SIX WEEKS after you stop drinking Experts in Germany and Spain scanned the brains of alcoholics and non-drinkers They found there was less activity in the drinkers’ brains even weeks later Areas of the brain controlling emotions, behaviour and memory were … Read more