Vlogger reveals her skull was slowly ‘crushing her brain and pushing it into her spine’

A vlogger whose skull was slowly crushing her brain into her spine has revealed that her body is now ‘falling apart’. Christina Doherty, of Woburn, Massachusetts, experienced headaches, confusion and paralysis from the age of 16 and had always been an ill child. Doctors diagnosed the 23-year-old with a chiari malformation which is when brain … Read more

Bird-brained: Parrots and crows have evolved ‘truly exceptional’ brain sizes

Bird-brained: Parrots and crows have evolved ‘truly exceptional’ brain sizes while pigeons and emus have the same brain-to-body ratio as dinosaurs did 66 million years ago Birds and dinosaurs had similar brain sizes around 66million years ago  After the mass extinction of the dinosaurs birds evolved relatively bigger brains   Body size of some birds got … Read more

Scientists believe they could DOUBLE survival time for pediatric brain cancer

Scientists may have found a way to stop a highly aggressive and deadly pediatric brain cancer from growing in its earliest stages.  In a study conducted on mice, researchers discovered a gene that helps a type of brain cancer known as glioblastoma turn other brain cells cancerous. But by injecting molecules that target the gene, it … Read more

Twins formerly conjoined at BRAIN learning how to walk and talk two years after separation surgery

Two-year-old twin girls who were born connected at the brain are thriving after their separation surgery. Erin and Abbey Delaney underwent a risky 11-hour procedure in Philadelphia in June 2017 and were among the youngest separations ever recorded. The girls are now back with their parents in Mooresville, North Carolina, undergoing developmental therapy to improve … Read more

Rory Cellan-Jones: Why I have decided to leave my brain to science

During my 30 years on television as a BBC reporter, I’ve handled some quite extraordinary things. But nothing quite compared to the spongy, heavy mass of a real brain. I had the privilege of standing among a sea of them two months ago during my visit to one of the UK’s few ‘brain banks’. Just 48 … Read more

Smiling really DOES make you happier: Study finds expressing happiness influences the brain

Smiling really DOES make you happier: Study finds expressing happiness influences the brain to generate positive feelings For decades, researchers have studied how acting happy could influence happiness A team at the University of Tennessee has analyzed 50 years of data on the subject They found there is a clear connection between acting happy and … Read more

Astronauts who spend too long in space suffer brain damage that may lead to dementia

Spending months in space without gravity can cause the brain to swell and increase the risk of astronauts developing dementia, a new study revealed. Researchers from the University of Texas studied brain scans of astronauts a year after they returned from the International Space Station for signs of damage.  The lack of gravity experienced by … Read more

Stroking GUINEA PIGS helps people recover from catastrophic brain injuries

People who suffer catastrophic brain injuries may recover their social skills quicker by stroking guinea pigs, research suggests. Traumatic brain injuries often affect a patient’s ability to feel empathy and express their emotions. But a study found allowing patients to stroke ‘cute animals’ – such as micro pigs, rabbits and donkeys – during rehabilitation sessions … Read more

Mediterranean diet rich in fish and whole grains can keep the brain sharp and help fight dementia

Mediterranean diet rich in fish and whole grains can keep the brain sharp and help fight dementia, research suggests Mediterranean diet not only helps you live longer but it can keep the brain sharp High fish and vegetable consumption were linked to the most protective effect  The study found that those with a diet high … Read more

Pregnant women who use marijuana for morning sickness affects part of baby’s brain linked to memory

Using marijuana during pregnancy to treat morning sickness could damage an unborn baby’s brain, a new study says. Research conducted on rats found that expecting mothers who used cannabis affected the section of the brain involved in memory and learning. The rate of pregnant women using pot for severe nausea and vomiting has increased by … Read more