Parenting: Repeatedly getting angry or shouting at children can affect their brain

How ‘harsh parenting’ can affect your child’s BRAIN: Repeatedly getting angry, hitting or shouting at children is linked with smaller brain structures in adolescence, study warns Scientists analysed parenting practices and took brain scans of kids aged 2-9 Those subject to ‘harsh parenting’ had smaller amygdala and prefrontal cortexes These brain structures play a key … Read more

Blame it on brain fog

Ever ‘lost’ your phone in the washing machine? Tried to open the front door with your credit card? That’ll be brain fog, says Dr Sabina Brennan. And the good news is you can banish it fast with her simple lifestyle shifts   I just can’t think straight’, ‘I can’t even remember what I did yesterday’, ‘I’m … Read more

The Hills’ Lo Bosworth reveals she suffered a traumatic brain injury two years in freak accident

The Hills’ Lo Bosworth reveals she secretly suffered a traumatic brain injury two years ago and still struggles ‘to recall words from time to time’ The  34-year-old Hills alum revealed she suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after a freak accident, while dining in New York City ‘I was in the hospital and suffered a moderate to … Read more

James Jordan reveals his father Allan has died after a battle with a terminal brain tumour

‘I will forever miss him’: James Jordan reveals his beloved father Allan has died after a battle with a terminal brain tumour  The former Strictly Come Dancing star, 42, revealed the sad news on Instagram on Saturday, noting that his dad ‘became an angel at 8.05am’ The devastating news comes just a day after the … Read more

How credit card purchases trigger the same chemical reaction in the brain as COCAINE

How credit card purchases trigger the same chemical reaction in the brain as COCAINE and drive more spending Contactless payment limit increase to £100 sparked fears over household debt Research suggests credit cards ‘step on the gas’ by putting costs out-of-mind Study found that credit card purchases give the brain the same ‘hit’ as cocaine   … Read more

How credit card purchases trigger the same chemical reaction in the brain as COCAINE

How credit card purchases trigger the same chemical reaction in the brain as COCAINE and drive more spending Contactless payment limit increase to £100 sparked fears over household debt Research suggests credit cards ‘step on the gas’ by putting costs out-of-mind Study found that credit card purchases give the brain the same ‘hit’ as cocaine   … Read more

How coronavirus may trigger diseases from diabetes to MS – and damage the brain, too

A few weeks into the Covid-19 pandemic last spring, doctors across the world started noticing something strange. Among the thousands of patients being admitted to hospital with coronavirus, some also appeared to have another problem — the sudden onset of type 1 diabetes, where the immune system attacks cells in the pancreas, destroying its ability … Read more

Extraordinary life of Robert White whose life ambition was to transplant a human brain

The extraordinary life of an American neuroscientist who believed he could transplant human consciousness by cooling brains before removing and placing them in another body is told in a fascinating new book. The work of Robert White, whose life ambition was to transplant a human head, is explored by Brandy Schillace in Mr. Humble and Dr. … Read more

Scientists develop AI that can learn which faces you find attractive directly from your brain waves 

An artificial intelligence system has been developed that can delve into your mind and learn which faces and types of visage you find most attractive.  Finnish researchers wanted to find out whether a computer could identify facial features we find attractive without any verbal or written input guiding it. The team strapped 30 volunteers to … Read more

Brain surgeon and (yay!) my new fiancé… Sound too good to be true? That’s because it’s a scam

My fiancé David wants us to set up home together in England. I’d rather we live at his ocean view mansion in California. Whatever we decide, he wants me to know that I have captured his heart in a way he never thought possible, after he was so cruelly widowed five years ago. David’s 15-year-old … Read more