Furry caterpillars covered in venomous spines is invading Virginia and attacking residents

Virginia officials have warned residents of ‘an outbreak,’ following numerous sightings of the most poisonous caterpillar in the US crawling around the state. Called a puss caterpillar, the furry creature is covered in venomous spikes that causes intense pain when touched, along with swelling, fever and symptoms of shock. The hairy creature resides in the … Read more

Fury caterpillars covered in venomous spines is invading Virginia and attacking residents

Virginia officials have warned residents of ‘an outbreak,’ following numerous sightings of the most poisonous caterpillar in the US crawling around the state. Called a puss caterpillar, the fury creature is covered in venomous spikes that causes intense pain when touched, along with swelling, fever and symptoms of shock. The hairy creature resides in the … Read more