Number of house sparrows rises by ten per cent in a decade

Hope for the British house sparrow as RSPB survey shows numbers of the chirpy bird have grown by ten per cent in the last decade RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch annually surveys Britain to determine bird numbers Found sparrow numbers are stabilising and increasing since 2010   This was the 41st year the project was held and followed a … Read more

Volunteers at NHS Nightingale hospital warned up to 80 per cent of patients on ventilators will DIE

Volunteers working at the NHS Nightingale coronavirus hospital have been told to prepare for the fact that up to 80 per cent of patients who are on ventilators will die, MailOnline can reveal. Selfless heroes flocking to staff the emergency 4,000-bed unit in east London have been told to ‘be prepared to see death’, with a mortality … Read more

Volunteers at NHS Nightingale hospital warned up to 80 per cent of patients on ventilators will DIE

Volunteers working at the NHS Nightingale coronavirus hospital have been told to prepare for the fact that up to 80 per cent of patients who are on ventilators will die, MailOnline can reveal. Selfless heroes flocking to staff the emergency 4,000-bed unit in east London have been told to ‘be prepared to see death’, with a mortality … Read more

March was busiest shopping month for UK supermarkets on record up 20.6 per cent

British supermarkets raked in £10.8bn in March with sales ‘even higher than Christmas’ from 20% rise in sales as shoppers flooded stores during coronavirus lockdown Supermarket sales were the highest they have ever been in the UK during March 88 per cent of British households went to the shops between March 16 and 19  They … Read more

British internet traffic surges by almost 50 per cent since schools closed

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Lionel Messi confirms Barcelona players WILL take 70 per cent wage cut but hits out at club AGAIN

Lionel Messi has hit back at suggestions players at Barcelona were being selfish and mean-spirited in their response to the coronavirus crisis, calling out the club’s board and promising to take an extra pay-cut so everyone gets paid. Messi used his Instagram account on Monday to confirm that Barcelona players WILL take a 70 per … Read more

Britain’s economy will shrink by 15 per cent between April and June experts warn

Britain’s economy will shrink by 15 per cent between April and June – the steepest contraction on record, experts warn The UK will enter deepest recession since the financial crisis, experts warn   Rescue measures could cause Government borrowing to shoot up to £180billion Michael Gove hinted yesterday that a new era of austerity is on … Read more

Allotment land has been cut by 65 per cent in urban spaces since 1960

British cities have lost 65 per cent of allotment land since the mid-twentieth century, a new study claims. Historic maps of 10 urban locations including Bristol, Glasgow and Liverpool showed lost allotment land in each could have grown around 2,500 tonnes of food per year.  The poorer urban areas in particular have seen eight times … Read more

Up to 14 per cent of the recovered coronavirus patients in China test positive AGAIN, doctors reveal

Up to 14 per cent of the recovered coronavirus patients in China test positive AGAIN, doctors reveal Three to 14 per cent of the patients tested positive after recovery, it is reported Experts wondered if nucleic acid tests were reliable to detect traces of the virus Medics said it was crucial to closely monitor those … Read more

The coronavirus lockdown has resulted in Marwell Zoo’s webcam views soaring by 27,000 PER CENT

Animal magic: The coronavirus lockdown has resulted in viewings to Marwell Zoo’s webcams soaring by 27,000 PER CENT The Hampshire zoo has reported 64,000 viewings compared to 187 last week Dedicated workers are taking care of the animals even though the zoo is closed  The zoo’s live flamingo cam is proving particularly popular with remote … Read more