Chairman of Ocado STUART ROSE: Stop scaring us into an economic abyss

Bedlam. Shortly after 10pm on Thursday, I wandered outside after a business dinner in Central London and tried to get home. The streets were packed with people and cars. No one was going anywhere fast. The buses were full. The nearest Underground station was backed up with a long queue. Everywhere pedestrians were packed together … Read more

David Dimbleby considers bid to become next BBC chairman to thwart No. 10

Veteran broadcaster David Dimbleby considers bid to become next BBC chairman to thwart No.10’s plan to potentially install an arch-critic at the corporation He was ‘horrified’ after reports No 10 wanted to give the job to Charles Moore Ex-Question Time host says role should go to ‘someone with a more open mind’ David Clementi, the … Read more

David Dimbleby considers bid to become next BBC chairman to thwart No. 10

Veteran broadcaster David Dimbleby considers bid to become next BBC chairman to thwart No.10’s plan to potentially install an arch-critic at the corporation He was ‘horrified’ after reports No 10 wanted to give the job to Charles Moore Ex-Question Time host says role should go to ‘someone with a more open mind’ David Clementi, the … Read more

Super spreader in chief: Joint Chiefs chairman and generals quarantine – but Trump ‘feeling great!’

Just as early indicators pointed to a White House gathering to fete Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett Saturday as a coronavirus spreader event, the growing raft of prominent people with positive hits for the virus as of Tuesday raises the prospect of a common potential link: President Donald Trump. There is no known scientific … Read more

Chairman of the joint chiefs and string of top generals QUARANTINE

The White House coronavirus outbreak took another alarming turn Tuesday as it was revealed the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and other top military leaders are under quarantine after a senior Coast Guard official tested positive for the coronavirus, two U.S. officials said. Gen. Mark Milley and the chiefs of the Army, Navy … Read more

Charles Moore pulls out of BBC chairman race, sparking new hunt for the role 

Leading contender for BBC chairman Charles Moore pulls out of the race, sparking new hunt to fill role Lord Charles Moore of Etchingham has signalled he wouldn’t apply for the role Lord Moore pointed towards pulling out of the race due to family reasons  Culture secretary Oliver Dowden insisted last month that ‘no offers have … Read more

Charles Moore pulls out of BBC chairman race, sparking new hunt for the role 

Leading contender for BBC chairman Charles Moore pulls out of the race, sparking new hunt to fill role Lord Charles Moore of Etchingham has signalled he wouldn’t apply for the role Lord Moore pointed towards pulling out of the race due to family reasons  Culture secretary Oliver Dowden insisted last month that ‘no offers have … Read more

Former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre is offered role as chairman of Ofcom by Boris Johnson

Former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre has been approached by Boris Johnson to become Chairman of Ofcom, in the latest example of Downing Street’s determination to shake up the Left-wing establishment. The attempt to install Mr Dacre at the broadcasting regulator comes as Whitehall mandarins are trying to put the brakes on the Prime Minister’s … Read more

Former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre is offered role as chairman of Ofcom by Boris Johnson

Former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre has been approached by Boris Johnson to become Chairman of Ofcom, in the latest example of Downing Street’s determination to shake up the Left-wing establishment. The attempt to install Mr Dacre at the broadcasting regulator comes as Whitehall mandarins are trying to put the brakes on the Prime Minister’s … Read more

GUY ADAMS: Why on earth are Ofqual’s CEO and chairman still in a job today? 

An instructive tale of the perks of life on the clattering government-quango gravy train was shared by Ofqual’s head honcho Sally Collier a few years back.  In an interview to mark her first 12 months as Chief Regulator of the powerful organisation, she revealed that, despite her £200,000 pay package, she was required to commute … Read more