Best of both worlds property: Three country towns and small cities

This time last year, the London-based crime writer Martin Bodenham and his wife, Jules, were faced with a problem — where to live next? ‘Even before Covid, London was becoming too impersonal, like a city full of strangers,’ says Martin, 60, whose latest novel, Crime And Justice, was published in August.  ‘So we looked at … Read more

Soviet Cities by Russian photographer Arseniy Kotov reveals the gems of USSR architecture

On the whole, the architecture of the former Soviet Union was uniform and dreary – but a recently published photography book reveals that there were some gems, from a ‘flying saucer’ building to an office block that resembles a game of Jenga. Soviet Cities: Labour, Life & Leisure was created by Russian photographer Arseniy Kotov … Read more

How sizzling Sicily warms the heart with its great baroque cities and pretty seaside towns

Sicily is the triple distillation of Italy. The sun is fiercer, the wine stronger, the sweets sweeter, the shadows darker, the baroque more baroque. And, it has to be said, the dirt dirtier. Every writer comments on the island’s severe contrasts: great beauty and the smell of jasmine here, bloodstains and brutal poverty there. The … Read more

Covid: UK’s top 30 travel-anxious cities revealed: Aberdeen is most nervous and Derby is least

The UK cities that feel the most and least anxious about Covid-19 and travel have been revealed in a survey. Aberdeen tops the ranking of 30 cities, with 88.2 per cent of its residents saying their travel anxiety has increased since the coronavirus pandemic. Occupying the second and third spots are Coventry (84 per cent) … Read more

Hong Kong, Paris and Zurich are the world’s most expensive cities and Damascus is cheapest

Hong Kong, Paris and Zurich are the world’s most expensive cities, a new survey has found. Researchers looked at the prices of 138 products and services – including food, drink, clothing and household supplies in around 130 cities worldwide – to draw up the ranking of the most and least costly metropolises. Damascus, the capital … Read more

Movement of people from big cities for the countryside during a pandemic REDUCES cases

The coronavirus lockdown saw many city dwellers flee their concrete metropolises for the countryside, whether to go and stay in holiday homes, visit family, or for ‘staycations’ in smaller towns and villages.  This mass exodus left major cities like London and New York eerily deserted, while simultaneously infuriating the locals in more rural parts of … Read more

Movement of people from big cities for the countryside during a pandemic REDUCES cases

The coronavirus lockdown saw many city dwellers flee their concrete metropolises for the countryside, whether to go and stay in holiday homes, visit family, or for ‘staycations’ in smaller towns and villages.  This mass exodus left major cities like London and New York eerily deserted, while simultaneously infuriating the locals in more rural parts of … Read more

Birds that live in towns and cities are having more chicks because light pollution

Birds living in urban areas have more chicks than those in the country because light pollution is prompting them to lay eggs earlier in the year, a study has found. Researchers from California Polytechnic State University examined data collected by the public on 58,506 nests from 142 species across North America. They found that urban birds … Read more

Birds that live in towns and cities are having more chicks because light pollution

Birds living in urban areas have more chicks than those in the country because of light pollution prompting them to lay eggs earlier in the year, study finds. Researchers from California Polytechnic State University based examined data collected by the public on 58,506 nests from 142 species across North America. They found that urban birds are … Read more

‘Superspreader’ computer model shows most COVID infections in cities spread in restaurants and gyms

Researchers have developed a computer model that predicts how the novel coronavirus spreads in US cities. The model looks at three factors that play a role in infection risk: where people go during the day, how long they stay, and how many other people are visiting the same place at the same time.  It found … Read more