Scientists claim to have CURED Crohn’s disease with antibiotics and faecal transplants

Scientists claim to have CURED Crohn’s disease after a treatment of antibiotics and faecal transplants sparks long-lasting ‘profound remissions’ Crohn’s is a debilitating gut disease that affects around 115,000 people in the UK It is thought to occur when the immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract Its symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fever and weight loss Crohn’s may … Read more

Social care bosses claim THREE QUARTERS of homes have been hit by the coronavirus

Barchester Healthcare’s Peter Calveley said around half of its homes have been hit by cases of the life-threatening illness Coronavirus may have struck three quarters of Britain’s care homes, industry bosses say amid growing fury over Government’s handling of the crisis.  The chief executive of one major UK provider today warned the spread of the … Read more

Taking aspirin once a week can cut the risk of getting several types of cancer, scientists claim

Taking aspirin just once a week can cut the risk of getting several types of cancer, scientists claim Regular use of drug reduces risk of getting stomach and oesophagus cancers  It also cuts the chances of bowel cancer by 27 per cent, according to 45 studies Drug is known to lower heart attack and stroke … Read more

Taking aspirin once a week can cut the risk of getting several types of cancer, scientists claim

Taking aspirin just once a week can cut the risk of getting several types of cancer, scientists claim Regular use of drug reduces risk of getting stomach and oesophagus cancers  It also cuts the chances of bowel cancer by 27 per cent, according to 45 studies Drug is known to lower heart attack and stroke … Read more

Trump doubles down on claim governors are ‘chomping at the bit’ to reopen the economy BEFORE May 1

Donald Trump claims U.S. has ‘passed the peak’ of coronavirus cases and doubles down on claim that governors are ‘chomping at the bit’ to reopen the economy BEFORE May 1 President Trump said Wednesday that the U.S. has ‘passed the peak’ of coronavirus cases  He said he would be talking to the country’s governors Thursday … Read more

Trump doubles down on claim governors are ‘chomping at the bit’ to reopen the economy BEFORE May 1

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump claims U.S. has ‘passed the peak’ of coronavirus cases and doubles down on claim that governors are ‘chomping at the bit’ to reopen the economy BEFORE May 1 President Trump said Wednesday that the U.S. has ‘passed the peak’ of coronavirus cases  He said he would be talking to the country’s … Read more

Millions have overpaid energy bills and can claim a refund

Millions of households owed BILLIONS after overpaying energy firms: As the coronavirus economic impact bites, here’s how to reclaim the money… The amount people are in credit by is up by £230m – equivalent to 13.5% People are encouraged to claim the money back if they are in need of funds  We reveal how you … Read more

‘US doesn’t have a king’: Andrew Cuomo rejects Trump’s claim of ‘total authority’ to lift shutdowns

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has rebuked President Trump’s claims that he has blanket authority to order a reopening of the country and cease stay-at-home orders, saying Monday night that the last time he checked the US had ‘a constitution…not a king’.  In a heated press conference inside the White House on Monday evening, Trump … Read more

Only 1 per cent of children are ‘allergic’ to milk despite what parents claim

Western children are being misdiagnosed with a milk allergy with just one per cent  allergic to dairy – despite 14 per cent of parents claiming their child can’t tolerate it.  Researchers from Imperial College London found that medical guidelines for diagnosing babies with cow’s milk allergies don’t consider ‘normal infant behaviour’.  Guidelines currently say symptoms … Read more

Exposed: The conspiracy theorists who claim coronavirus is linked to 5G

Members of a bizarre organisation that falsely links the new 5G mobile phone network to the coronavirus can be exposed today by The Mail on Sunday. The cousin of a Tory Minister and the ex-wife of an EastEnders actor are key members of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), which also promotes claims 5G … Read more