Piers Morgan urges Donald Trump to calm down allow vote count

Donald Trump’s presidency is slipping away. Slowly but surely, the Electoral College needle is moving inexorably in his Democrat rival Joe Biden’s favour. Of course, it’s still technically possible that Trump could pull off another miracle like he did in 2016. (If there’s one thing everyone surely can agree about him, it’s that nothing about … Read more

Piers Morgan urges Donald Trump to calm down allow vote count

Donald Trump’s presidency is slipping away. Slowly but surely, the Electoral College needle is moving inexorably in his Democrat rival Joe Biden’s favour. Of course, it’s still technically possible that Trump could pull off another miracle like he did in 2016. (If there’s one thing everyone surely can agree about him, it’s that nothing about … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden ‘confident’ to win, Trump sues to halt count

Joe Biden all but declared election victory on Wednesday afternoon after winning Wisconsin and Michigan as President Trump cried fraud, desperately scrambled to undermine the results and claimed his own wins in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia even though votes are still being tallied there.  CNN called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday afternoon, giving him … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden ‘confident’ to win, Trump sues to halt count

Joe Biden all but declared election victory on Wednesday afternoon after winning Wisconsin and Michigan as President Trump cried fraud, desperately scrambled to undermine the results and claimed his own wins in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia even though votes are still being tallied there.  CNN called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday afternoon, giving him … Read more

Nevada results could come on Thursday after officials delay count

Results from the western swing state of Nevada won’t be known until Thursday morning, after pollsters stopped counting ballots on election day and planned to return to them on Wednesday. Nevada officials originally hoped to release results at 9.45pm Pacific time, or just after midnight on election night eastern, but they will instead be delayed … Read more

US Election 2020: Vote count could last until FRIDAY

Donald Trump and Joe Biden have plausible paths to claiming victory in the White House race on Wednesday and on Thursday without going to court – or the need to win Pennsylvania. As of 10 am Joe Biden was on 238 Electoral College votes and Donald Trump on 213. That leaves Georgia (16 votes), North Carolina … Read more

North Carolina has 200k mail-in votes to count as Trump leads by 1.4%

North Carolina still has 200k mail-in ballots left to count this morning with Trump leading Biden by 1.4% and 94% of the votes tallied There is still an estimated 200,000 mail-in ballots left to count in North Carolina Trump currently holds a 1.4 percent lead over Joe Biden in the state with 94 percent of … Read more

Nevada results could come on Thursday after officials delay count

Biden leads by less than 1% in Nevada – but results aren’t expected until THURSDAY because officials won’t start counting remaining ballots until midday Results from the state were originally expected late on election night with Joe Biden currently up 0.6% But officials stopped reporting results and said they would begin counting remaining ballots on … Read more

Vote count could last until FRIDAY when Pennsylvania stops accepting ballots

The outcome of the presidential race may not be known until the end of the week as several critical battleground states need more time to count the high number of mail-in ballots in the election.  Officials in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan warned results are not coming in their states on Tuesday night, adding to the … Read more