Queen and Prince Philip found Balmoral ‘tedious’ due to Covid-19 restrictions, royal expert claims

The Queen and Prince Philip found their summer break in Balmoral ‘a bit tedious’ this year, with social distancing rules due to coronavirus making it less enjoyable, a royal expert has claimed. The 94-year-old monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh, 99, spent six weeks at their Aberdeenshire home before cutting their trip short to travel … Read more

Queen and Prince Philip found Balmoral ‘tedious’ due to Covid-19 restrictions, royal expert claims

The Queen and Prince Philip found their summer break in Balmoral ‘a bit tedious’ this year, with social distancing rules due to coronavirus making it less enjoyable, a royal expert has claimed. The 94-year-old monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh, 99, spent six weeks at their Aberdeenshire home before cutting their trip short to travel … Read more

White people have driven spiralling cases of Covid-19 cases over the past fortnight, data reveals

White people are fuelling England’s latest surge in coronavirus infections, official data has shown.  Cases among white people – who make up 80 per cent of the population – have risen by more than two-and-a-half times in the last fortnight. A Public Health England report found cases soared from 37.3 per 100,000 people to 97 in the … Read more

Infected Covid-19 Brits should get Netflix to self isolate at home, SAGE papers reveal 

Coronavirus-infected Britons should be given Netflix, Now TV and Amazon Prime to encourage them to stay at home, according to scientists advising the Government. The Independent Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) has urged health chiefs to consider a self-care package to boost poor self-isolation rates.  Its recommendation comes on the heels of a … Read more

Infected Covid-19 Brits should get Netflix to self isolate at home, SAGE papers reveal 

Coronavirus-infected Britons should be given Netflix, Now TV and Amazon Prime to encourage them to stay at home, according to scientists advising the Government. The Independent Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) has urged health chiefs to consider a self-care package to boost poor self-isolation rates.  Its recommendation comes on the heels of a … Read more

Only Luton, Wolverhampton and the Isles of Scilly saw Covid-19 infection rates drop last week

Luton, Wolverhampton and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly were the only three places in England to record a fall in Covid-19 infection rates over the past week – and only one of them is in a local lockdown. Wolverhampton, where residents are not allowed to meet friends and family in each other’s homes or … Read more

Only Luton, Wolverhampton and the Isles of Scilly saw Covid-19 infection rates drop last week

Luton, Wolverhampton and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly were the only three places in England to record a fall in Covid-19 infection rates over the past week – and only one of them is in a local lockdown. Wolverhampton, where residents are not allowed to meet friends and family in each other’s homes or … Read more

Evidence pubs are a major source of Covid-19 transmission is ‘very weak’, economists claim

The Government’s assertion that 30 per cent of all coronavirus transmissions may be happening in pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants is based on ‘very weak’ evidence economists have said, after furious MPs accused ministers of ‘cobbling together’ the numbers to ‘justify’ their point of view. Experts from the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) rubbished the … Read more

Evidence pubs are a major source of Covid-19 transmission is ‘very weak’, economists claim

The Government’s assertion that 30 per cent of all coronavirus transmissions may be happening in pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants is based on ‘very weak’ evidence economists have said, after furious MPs accused ministers of ‘cobbling together’ the numbers to ‘justify’ their point of view. Experts from the Institute for Economic Affairs rubbished the official … Read more

Britain’s Covid-19 R rate is DOWN, SAGE says

Britain’s coronavirus R rate has fallen slightly, according to the Government’s own scientific advisers. They say the current R value – the average number of people each Covid-19 patient infects – is between 1.2 and 1.5. This is down slightly on last week’s range of 1.3 and 1.6. But SAGE’s R rate estimates are three weeks … Read more