Seaweed-munching crabs could help save coral reefs, study says

King crabs could help save threatened coral reefs by keeping excessive seaweed growth under control, a promising new study claims.  Experiments on the Florida Keys showed the Caribbean king crab is better than other species at removing overgrown seaweeds that threaten the reefs, by eating it.  When introduced to experimental plots on coral reefs, the … Read more

Neanderthals ate seafood including crabs, clams, oysters and dolphins

Neanderthals fed regularly on mussels, fish and other omega-3-rich marine life including seals, which likely impacted their cognitive abilities, a new study claims. Archaeological digs along the Portuguese coast reveal the evidence that our cavemen ancestors had as much fondness for seafood as modern humans today. Both Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens tucked into ‘surf … Read more