Less than five hours of sleep a night ‘can double dementia risk’ 

Getting five hours or less of sleep a night doubles the risk of getting dementia, a new study warns. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston looked at data from 2,812 US adults aged 65 and over.  ‘Very short’ sleep duration, defined as five hours or less, doubled the risk of dementia compared to … Read more

Less than five hours of sleep a night ‘can double dementia risk’ 

Getting five hours or less of sleep a night doubles the risk of getting dementia, a new study has warned. US researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston looked at data from 2,812 US adults aged 65 and over.  ‘Very short’ sleep duration, defined as five hours and less, doubled the risk of dementia … Read more

People with dementia at higher risk of catching and dying of COVID

People with dementia are TWICE as likely to catch COVID-19 and more than FOUR times more likely to die from the virus, new US study of 62 million people finds Case Western University researchers analyzed millions of electronic health records in the US  Of more than 15,000 cases of COVID-19, they found 810 people who … Read more

People with dementia face more than twice the risk of catching, dying of COVID-19

People with dementia are TWICE as likely to catch COVID-19 and more than FOUR times more likely to die from the virus, new US study of 62 million people finds Case Western University researchers analyzed millions of electronic health records in the US  Of more than 15,000 cases of COVID-19, they found 810 people who … Read more

Men with higher blood pressure at night ‘1.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia’

Men who have higher blood pressure at night than during the day are 1.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia, a new study claims. Researchers tracked a sample of Swedish men in their seventies with higher blood pressure at night than during the day – a condition called as ‘reverse dipping’. They were … Read more

HEALTH NOTES: Could parasitic worms become the new weapon in the fight against dementia?  

HEALTH NOTES: Could parasitic worms become the new weapon in the fight against dementia? By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 22:01 GMT, 6 February 2021 | Updated: 22:13 GMT, 6 February 2021 Parasitic worms could be a new weapon in the fight against inflammatory conditions such as heart disease, dementia and arthritis.  Hookworms were once … Read more

Health: Taking a regular afternoon nap of just five minutes may help stave off dementia

You snooze, you win: Taking a regular afternoon nap of just five minutes may improve your mental agility and help stave off dementia, study finds Researchers studied the sleep patterns of more than 2,200 Chinese seniors Each participant was also given a standardised screening test for dementia Nappers got better scores in locational awareness, memory and verbal fluency However, … Read more

Healthy heart could be the key to warding off dementia later in life, new research suggests 

Healthy heart could be the key to warding off dementia later in life, new research suggests Scientists claim making some changes earlier in life could prevent dementia   Suggested lifestyle changes include regular exercise and eating healthier  Findings based on data from a 36-year study into the health of 10,000 Britons By Colin Fernandez Science Correspondent For … Read more

Healthy heart could be the key to warding off dementia later in life, new research suggests 

Healthy heart could be the key to warding off dementia later in life, new research suggests Scientists claim making some changes earlier in life could prevent dementia   Suggested lifestyle changes include regular exercise and eating healthier  Findings based on data from a 36-year study into the health of 10,000 Britons By Colin Fernandez Science Correspondent For … Read more

Why keeping a dog (or cat) is your brain’s best friend in reducing dementia risk

While travelling the world doing research for my new book, I realised something rather extraordinary. Nearly everyone understands the importance of brain health, but few people have any idea how to make their brains healthier, or that achieving such a goal is even possible. Most people seem to believe this mysterious organ encased in bone … Read more