One in three patients who fall severely ill with coronavirus develop deadly blood clots

One in three patients who fall severely ill with coronavirus develop dangerous blood clots that may be contributing to their deaths, a leading scientist has warned. The clots, also known as thrombosis, can become fatal if they migrate to major organs in the body and cut off their blood supply. The blockages can trigger heart attacks, … Read more

Survivors of child abuse are TWICE as likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life

Survivors of child abuse are TWICE as likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, study finds Survivors of child abuse are 71% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease Survivors are also  at 42 per cent greater risk of developing high blood pressure. People who suffered emotional, sexual or physical abuse as a minor are also … Read more

Small number of people may develop PSYCHOSIS after contracting coronavirus

Psychosis may be another symptom of COVID-19: Study suggests some people suffer HALLUCINATIONS after contracting coronavirus Study found evidence up to 4% of patients could suffer some form of psychosis  Comes from Australian scientists who reviewed 14 pieces of research  Can be treated with low doses of anti-psychotic medication, study suggests  Here’s how to help people … Read more

Microsoft and Intel develop new malware detection software

Microsoft and Intel develop antivirus software that turns malware into 2D images that can be examined by a neural network The software, called STAMINA, converts malware bits into 2D images It then examines those images using computer visions software The approach could reduce the number of data points examined by software It has shown a … Read more

Virgin Galactic teams up with NASA to develop ‘high-Mach’ aviation that could transport civilians

Concorde was a turbojet-powered supersonic passenger jet that was operated until 2003.  It had a maximum speed over twice the speed of sound at Mach 2.04 (1,354 mph or 2,180 k per hour at cruise altitude) and could seat 92 to 128 passengers. It was first flown in 1969, but needed further tests to establish … Read more

NASA mobilizes staff to develop new technologies to help fight against the coronavirus 

NASA announced it has mobilized some of its greatest minds to apply research and ingenuity to fight the coronavirus.. The American space agency showcased a range of devices to President Donald Trump, including a pressure helmet and surface decontamination system, along with a ventilator. The technologies stem from NASA’s crowdsourcing platform, called NASA@Work, which solicited … Read more

Britain’s first coronavirus ‘super-spreader’ helped scientists develop £10 immunity test

The breakthrough in the race to develop what Boris Johnson calls ‘the people’s test’ came through a combination of forensic detective work and cutting-edge diagnostic research at Oxford University. To design an immunity test with the necessary degree of accuracy – as close as possible to 100 per cent – scientists on the project needed … Read more

Up to 30% of coronavirus patients hardly develop ANY antibodies

Up to 30 percent of coronavirus patients may not develop enough antibodies to offer them any protection from reinfection, a recent study suggests.  The Trump administration has repeatedly pointed to the results of antibody testing as a key signal for when the US can reopen.    But experts have cautioned that disparate antibody tests are being … Read more

Babies glued to tablets or telly ‘could develop autism-like symptoms’, controversial study warns 

A controversial scientific study claims there is a link between how much a young child watches television and the likelihood of developing autism-like symptoms.   It found that one-year-old children who spend large portions of time looking at screens were more likely to show autism-like symptoms at two years of age.  Researchers from Drexel University in … Read more

Bill Gates believes it will take 18 months to develop a coronavirus vaccine

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has said it will likely take 18 months to develop a coronavirus vaccine – and that getting it ‘shouldn’t be limited by money’.   The 64-year-old business magnate claimed that – due to a lack of global preparation for the pandemic – it would take some time to create a working treatment. … Read more