MSNBC coronavirus segment is interrupted by doctor’s grandson

Doctor’s adorable grandson ‘zoom bombs’ his live MSNBC interview about the coronavirus and becomes the star of the show Dr Irwin Redlener appeared on an MSNBC coronavirus segment on Thursday The doctor, who was speaking from his home, was interrupted by his grandson  The toddler burst into the room and began babbling in the background  … Read more

The doctors still crippled by Covid-19 six months after they caught it

Some can barely walk they’re so exhausted and their muscles so weak. Many have lost the ability to recall everyday facts or hold a conversation. Others have developed life-threatening allergies or chronic dizziness. All have suffered months of ill-health — careers are on hold, social lives are mothballed and family life is a shadow of … Read more

The doctors still crippled by Covid-19 six months after they caught it

Some can barely walk they’re so exhausted and their muscles so weak. Many have lost the ability to recall everyday facts or hold a conversation. Others have developed life-threatening allergies or chronic dizziness. All have suffered months of ill-health — careers are on hold, social lives are mothballed and family life is a shadow of … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Why don’t doctors ever have anything good to say about people with Down’s? 

Modern medicine can provide what would once have seemed like miracles. But it can also confront us with choices we would rather not face. That was the lesson I drew from a lengthy interview in last Thursday’s Mail with Olivia Buxton. At the age of 48 she is five months pregnant, and says she feels … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Why don’t doctors ever have anything good to say about people with Down’s? 

Modern medicine can provide what would once have seemed like miracles. But it can also confront us with choices we would rather not face. That was the lesson I drew from a lengthy interview in last Thursday’s Mail with Olivia Buxton. At the age of 48 she is five months pregnant, and says she feels … Read more

Firefighter has Bluetooth device implanted into chest to let doctors remotely monitor her heart

Firefighter, 34, who suffers from blackouts gets a Bluetooth device implanted in chest allowing doctors to remotely monitor her heartbeat  Sian Jones, 34, of Southampton, one of the first people in Europe to have the implant fitted  The firefighter suffers injuries due to serious injuries sustained in a car crash  The implant will send data … Read more

Thousands of doctors and nurses are having to take time off work because they can’t get tested

Thousands of GPs and nurses are unable to go into work because they are waiting for results from a coronavirus test, it was claimed today. The mounting absences caused by NHS staff having to self-isolate — which experts first warned about in the Spring — were revealed by the Royal College of GPs in a … Read more

Doctors warn Madrid is walking ‘in slow motion’ towards a repeat of its ‘nuclear bomb’ Covid crisis

Doctors have warned that Madrid is walking ‘in slow motion’ towards a repeat of its ‘nuclear bomb’ Covid crisis in March. Spain has recorded an average of more than 10,000 new cases per day over the last week, the worst figures in Europe and the fifth highest infection rate in the world. Nearly a third of those falling … Read more

Transgender people ‘should be allowed to change gender without a doctor’s consent in UK’

Transgender people should be allowed to change their gender without a doctor’s consent in the UK, the British Medical Association has said.   Doctors backed a proposal at the BMA’s general meeting yesterday which asked the Government to pursue a ‘simplified’ way for transgender and non-binary individuals to gain legal recognition of their gender. At present, … Read more

Britain’s testing fiasco leaves doctors and nurses unable to get checked

The UK could be forced to draft in science students to staff coronavirus testing labs which are buckling under the pressure of surging demand for swabs. A nationwide testing fiasco has left doctors and nurses unable to work because they can’t get checked for the illness, preventing the NHS getting back to normal. NHS staff … Read more