‘People will die who don’t have to die!’ De Blasio says Trump hasn’t ‘lifted a finger’ to help NYC

Bill de Blasio said Sunday that if Donald Trump doesn’t send more aid to New York City to combat coronavirus then ‘people will die’ of the disease who otherwise would have lived. ‘The truth is, and New Yorkers and all Americans deserve the blunt truth, it’s only getting worse,’ de Blasio said in an interview … Read more

‘I had been walking a fine line’: Dr. Fauci says correcting Trump’s mistakes in public is risky

Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted he has been ‘walking a fine line’ by publicly contradicting President Donald Trump as he leads the team fighting the coronavirus pandemic amid rumors of tension between the pair.  Telling Trump ‘things he doesn’t want to hear’ was a ‘risky business,’ the director of the National Institute of Allergy and … Read more

Donald Trump won’t rule out seeking government assistance for his company

President Donald Trump won’t rule out accepting government assistance for his Trump Organization after the company closed Mar-a-Lago, fired staff, and even shut down the bars at its Washington D.C. luxury hotel in the wake of the coronavirus.  ‘I don’t know. I mean, I just don’t know what the government assistance would be for what I … Read more

Donald Trump won’t rule out seeking government assistance for his company

President Donald Trump won’t rule out accepting government assistance for his Trump Organization after the company closed Mar-a-Lago, fired staff, and even shut down the bars at its Washington D.C. luxury hotel in the wake of the coronavirus.  ‘I don’t know. I mean, I just don’t know what the government assistance would be for what I … Read more

WHO warns young people they are ‘not invincible’ and coronavirus death toll surges past 11,000 

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide kicked off the weekend under a coronavirus lockdown, as the global death toll accelerated sharply and the World Health Organization warned young people they were ‘not invincible’. The pandemic has completely upended lives across the planet, sharply restricting the movement of huge populations, shutting down schools and businesses, and … Read more

WHO warns young people they are ‘not invincible’ and coronavirus death toll surges past 11,000 

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide kicked off the weekend under a coronavirus lockdown, as the global death toll accelerated sharply and the World Health Organization warned young people they were ‘not invincible’. The pandemic has completely upended lives across the planet, sharply restricting the movement of huge populations, shutting down schools and businesses, and … Read more

President Trump ignored CIA warnings about coronavirus pandemic, sources claim

President Trump ignored warnings from US intelligence agencies about the threat of a coronavirus pandemic, according to a bombshell report in The Washington Post.  One intelligence official and several Trump Administration officials spoke to the publication Friday on the condition of anonymity, claiming the President downplayed the COVID-19 threat in spite of growing anxiety from … Read more

President Trump ignored CIA warnings about coronavirus pandemic, sources claim

President Trump ignored warnings from US intelligence agencies about the threat of a coronavirus pandemic, according to a bombshell report in The Washington Post.  One intelligence official and several Trump Administration officials spoke to the publication Friday on the condition of anonymity, claiming the President downplayed the COVID-19 threat in spite of growing anxiety from … Read more

Ivanka Trump tests negative for coronavirus and goes back to work at the White House

Ivanka Trump on Friday returned to work at the White House, a senior administration official told DailyMail.com, after testing negative for the coronavirus.  She has shown no symptoms of any illness and has been making calls on behalf of the administration’s work to combat the coronavirus while she’s been working from home. The first daughter, … Read more

U.S. has ordered ‘millions of units’ of malaria drug as potential coronavirus therapy

President Donald Trump angrily attacked a reporter who asked what his message was to ‘scared’ Americans at an extraordinary press briefing on coronavrius Friday. He accused NBC News reporter Peter Alexander of ‘bad reporting’ in an angry tirade which came as he faced mounting questions over ordering ‘millions’ of units of the drug ‘cloroquine’ that he said he … Read more