U.S. has ordered ‘millions of units’ of malaria drug as potential coronavirus therapy

President Donald Trump told reporters the nation has ordered ‘millions’ of units of the drug ‘cloroquine’ that he said he has a ‘feeling’ will be effective against the coronavirus. ‘We ordered them. We have millions of units ordered,’ Trump said, name checking the German manufacturer Bayer, which he called a ‘great company.’ ‘Millions of units … Read more

NY Gov. Cuomo shuts down all non-essential businesses in coronavirus crisis

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered all non-essential workers to stay home New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered all non-essential workers to stay home now in the most drastic step he has taken in the battle against coronavirus, telling New Yorkers: ‘We are all in quarantine now.’  In an announcement on Friday, he … Read more

Boris Johnson announces the start of coronavirus clinical trials in Britain

A malaria drug which could treat seriously ill coronavirus patients is already in short supply in the UK after US President Donald Trump revealed American hospitals would double down on using it. An NHS pharmacist warned MailOnline there are already shortages of the drug hydroxychloroquine, which is used to prevent malaria and treat lupus or … Read more

Mitch McConnell unveils $1,200 checks for every American

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is proposing direct payments of $1,200 per person and $2,400 for couples amid the coronavirus outbreak, according to a copy of the legislation obtained by The Associated Press. The GOP leader was poised to unveil the sweeping response Thursday as Congress raced to draft a $1 trillion measure to shore … Read more

Telehealth services face influx of patients and huge backlogs during the coronavirus outbreak

Telehealth companies are facing a massive influx of patients and huge backlogs as coronavirus spreads – and will see more as Trump expands services to Medicare recipients Telehealth services say they are seeing a huge increase in the number of patients as the coronavirus outbreak spreads across the US  Some companies say their number of … Read more

How not to star in your own disaster movie

SCIENCE HOLLYWOOD WANTS TO KILL YOU  By Rick Edwards and Dr Michael Brooks (Atlantic £12.99, 288 pp) One person who should read this book is Donald Trump.‘He is obsessed with sharks,’ close friend Stormy Daniels revealed last year. ‘Terrified of sharks. He was like: “I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I … Read more

Lana Condor accuses Trump of endangering Asians by repeatedly calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’

Lana Condor accuses Trump of endangering Asians by repeatedly calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’ The 22-year-old actress accused President Donald Trump of endangering Asians by continuing to refer to COVID-19 as the ‘China virus’ The Vietnamese-born American actress posted a note on Instagram Story  asking Trump to ‘Be better’  ‘You have no idea the ramifications … Read more

Donald Trump triples down on calling coronavirus ‘the Chinese virus’ 

President Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his use of the term ‘China virus’ to describe the coronavirus, saying ‘it’s not racist at all.’ The president, repeatedly this week, has talked about the ‘China virus,’ a moniker that has been called racist. China expelled journalists from three major American news outlet in the wake of Trump’s … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump says he’s a ‘wartime president’

Donald Trump says he’s a ‘wartime president’ as he uses special defense powers to ramp up medical equipment production to tackle ‘unseen enemy’ President Trump told reporters Wednesday that he considered himself a ‘wartime president’ taking on the ‘unseen enemy’ of the coronavirus  Trump was asked if he considered the country to be on ‘wartime … Read more

Bill Ackman says ‘America will end as we know it’ unless Trump shuts down NOW the entire country

Billionaire Bill Ackman has warned that ‘America will end as we know it’ unless President Trump immediately shuts down the entire country for 30 days. Hedge fund manager Ackman made the dismal predictions in a Twitter post Wednesday and in an interview with CNBC, in which he urged President Trump and other global leaders to ‘shut the … Read more