French man launches search to trace family of fallen hero of the ‘forgotten Dunkirk’ his family hid

A search has been launched to trace the family of a fallen British hero who died in France following ‘the forgotten Dunkirk’ more than 80 years ago. The 51st Highland Division soldier evaded capture during the battle of St Valery-en-Caux in Normandy and was hidden by a French family, but was later discovered by the … Read more

Letter written in 1940 by Royal Navy officer during evacuation of Dunkirk goes up for auction

A harrowing letter revealing the bravery of a Royal Navy Officer who risked his life to rescue Allied troops from Dunkirk has come to light 81 years later.     Lieutenant Walter Bonham penned a six page letter to his father Lieutenant Colonel Charles Bonham from a hotel in Margate after ferrying troops on a small vessel back to Britain … Read more

Letter written in 1940 by Royal Navy officer during evacuation of Dunkirk goes up for auction

A harrowing letter revealing the bravery of a Royal Navy Officer who risked his life to rescue Allied troops from Dunkirk has come to light 81 years later.     Lieutenant Walter Bonham penned a six page letter to his father Lieutenant Colonel Charles Bonham from a hotel in Margate after ferrying troops on a small vessel back to Britain … Read more

Final resting place of lost Dunkirk hero is found after 80 years

The final resting place of a lost hero of Dunkirk has finally been found more than 80 years later. The body of Lieutenant Piers Edgcumbe, the son of the 6th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, had been missing ever since he and a colleague were killed during the German Blitzkrieg in May 1940. The Blitzkreig – … Read more

From Black Narcissus to Britain’s Got Talent Christmas Spectacular and Dunkirk: The best festive TV

DRAMA     All Creatures Great And Small: Christmas Special This drama series about vets in the chocolate-box Yorkshire Dales is first-class comfort viewing (Callum Woodhouse, above)  This drama series about vets in the chocolate-box Yorkshire Dales is first-class comfort viewing. It’s Christmas Eve and James is trying to come to terms with the fact that … Read more

Bon voyage? Migrants set sail from Dunkirk at dawn to make perilous crossing to UK

Migrants escorted by unscrupulous people traffickers today set sail from Dunkirk at dawn – with an estimated 400 landing in England.  Photos showed dozens of migrants embarking from Gravelines beach in the twilight and their smugglers scurrying back up the dunes after seeing them off.   At least 27 boats were brought into the marina in … Read more

Bon voyage? Migrants set sail from Dunkirk at dawn to make perilous crossing to UK

Migrants escorted by unscrupulous people traffickers today set sail from Dunkirk at dawn – with an estimated 400 landing in England.  Photos showed dozens of migrants embarking from Gravelines beach in the twilight and their smugglers scurrying back up the dunes after seeing them off.   At least 27 boats were brought into the marina in … Read more

MailOnline sails by yacht from Dover to Dunkirk across the world’s busiest shipping lane

We suddenly got a warning on the VHF radio that a Belgian warship was within range and that we should keep clear.  We weren’t keen on tangling with it, so we swiftly checked the map and altered our course. The warning came through as we steadily bobbed across the world’s busiest shipping lane on our … Read more

Dunkirk ‘Little Ship’ which rescued 130 troops during World War II evacuation is sold for £40,000

The evacuation from Dunkirk was one of the biggest operations of the Second World War and was one of the major factors in enabling the Allies to continue fighting. It was the largest military evacuation in history, taking place between May 27 and June 4, 1940.  The evacuation, known as Operation Dynamo, saw an estimated … Read more