Coronavirus: Risk of infection from eating meat is ‘very low’

The risk of catching the coronavirus from eating meat is ‘very low’, Sir Patrick Vallance assured Britons today after a third food factory in Wales was hit by a Covid-19 outbreak.  Number 10’s chief scientific adviser said food safety officials who looked ‘carefully’ at whether meat is a vector ruled the risk was slim. Dismissing … Read more

Coronavirus: Risk of infection from eating meat is ‘very low’

The risk of catching the coronavirus from eating meat is ‘very low’, Sir Patrick Vallance assured Britons today after a third food factory in Wales was hit by a Covid-19 outbreak.  Number 10’s chief scientific adviser said food safety officials who looked ‘carefully’ at whether meat is a vector ruled the risk was slim. Dismissing … Read more

CLAUDIA CONNELL: How lovely to see people eating out – even on a garage forecourt

Remarkable Places To Eat Rating: Tutankhamun In Colour Rating: Going out to enjoy a meal, remember that?  And how about sitting in close proximity to your dining partner and not having to wipe the cutlery down with antibacterial wipes before tucking in? Those were the images of life before Covid-19 that the BBC taunted us … Read more

CLAUDIA CONNELL: How lovely to see people eating out – even on a garage forecourt

Remarkable Places To Eat Rating: Tutankhamun In Colour Rating: Going out to enjoy a meal, remember that?  And how about sitting in close proximity to your dining partner and not having to wipe the cutlery down with antibacterial wipes before tucking in? Those were the images of life before Covid-19 that the BBC taunted us … Read more

First glimpse at future of eating out in UK in greenhouses

Greenhouse-style dining pods could become the public dining rooms of the future after a rural pub installed them in its grounds to facilitate socially-distanced dining. The Cartford Inn in Little Eccleston, Lancashire, said it had taken inspiration from Mediamatic in Amsterdam, which launched ‘quarantine greenhouses’ last month. The country inn said the development was ‘ideal … Read more

Love Island’s Molly-Mae Hague reveals she’s been comfort eating all day after dog’s death

Molly-Mae Hague revealed she has been comfort eating in the wake of her Pomeranian puppy’s tragic death. The Love Island star, 21, took to Instagram on Tuesday to share a photo of herself tucking into a tub of ice cream, brownies and banana.  Molly-Mae had been quiet on social media since the ordeal with the … Read more

Any form of healthy eating can lower risk of heart disease, study says

Any form of healthy eating over several decades can lower the risk of heart disease by up to a fifth, according to a new study.  Using data gathered over the course of more than 30 years, US researchers found it is not necessary to conform to a single diet to achieve healthy eating. Study participants … Read more

Nutritionist reveals top tips for eating at a restaurant without overindulging

A nutritionist has shared her top tips for eating at a restaurant without overindulging, now that more people are allowed to dine in as part of relaxed restrictions. For months Australians were forced to stay home to avoid spreading COVID-19, but those restrictions on eateries are slowly lifting, allowing patrons to return to their favourite … Read more

Carnivorous frog described as ‘indiscriminate eating machine’ is wreaking havoc in Australia 

A carnivorous species of tree frog scientists describe as an ‘indiscriminate eating machine’ is wreaking havoc across more than 1,200 miles of Western Australia The spotted-thighed frog is spreading across Western Australia at a rapid pace  Scientists worry the frog’s voracious eating habits will disrupt the ecosystem  Researchers analyzed the stomach content of 76 frogs … Read more

Bone analysis of ancient skeletons show humans started eating maize 4,700-years-ago 

Ancient skeletons, found in a remarkably well-preserved state in Central American rock shelters, hold clues to the origins of maize as a staple of the human diet. The remains were found in the Maya Mountains of Belize and were buried at various points in the past 10,000 years, according to University of Exeter team. Researchers measured … Read more