Eau no! Lumberjacks are shocked when brown water pours from the trunk of a tree

Eau no! Lumberjacks are shocked when brown water pours from the trunk of a tree they have just chopped down in the woods A group of men were clearing a fallen tree from a trail in Mallie, Kentucky  While chopping the trunk, a torrent of brown water poured from the tree  The three men were … Read more

Visiting Cologne and discovering the story behind 4711, the world’s most famous eau de Cologne

Fragrant: The city’s cathedral by the Rhine For me, Cologne has always been the most fragrant of cities – whether it’s the spicy clouds of incense billowing out of its riverside cathedral, the wafts of salt-crusted pretzels on Schildergasse or Asprey’s Purple Water, courtesy of the toiletries at my favourite hotel – the Excelsior Hotel … Read more

Visiting Cologne and discovering the story behind 4711, the world’s most famous eau de Cologne

Fragrant: The city’s cathedral by the Rhine For me, Cologne has always been the most fragrant of cities – whether it’s the spicy clouds of incense billowing out of its riverside cathedral, the wafts of salt-crusted pretzels on Schildergasse or Asprey’s Purple Water, courtesy of the toiletries at my favourite hotel – the Excelsior Hotel … Read more

Discovering the story behind 4711, the world’s most famous eau de Cologne

Fragrant: The city’s cathedral by the Rhine For me, Cologne has always been the most fragrant of cities – whether it’s the spicy clouds of incense billowing out of its riverside cathedral, the wafts of salt-crusted pretzels on Schildergasse or Asprey’s Purple Water, courtesy of the toiletries at my favourite hotel – the Excelsior Hotel … Read more

Eau de Space recreates the smell of space as a fragrance based on accounts from NASA astronauts

What does space smell like? Firm recreates the aroma as a fragrance based on accounts from NASA astronauts who say it is a mixture of seared steak, raspberries and rum NASA created the smell of space in a lab back in 2008 to train astronauts The scent has been locked away for nearly a decade … Read more