Investment opportunity still knocks as economy takes beating

Seldom has optimism been such a controversial state of mind. Anyone who dares to voice the hope that recovery may be possible is likely to be called delusional.  Supersized problems face all economies including the UK, as yesterday’s horrendous GDP figures showed.  But stock market indices are anticipatory mechanisms. And despite some wobbles this week, … Read more

Coronavirus: UK economy hit harder than European counterparts

Britain appears to be faring worse than its European counterparts as coronavirus lockdowns crush their economies. The UK reported a record-breaking 20.4 per cent fall in GDP in April on Friday, the first full month after people were ordered into their homes. While most other countries do not report monthly GDP figures, some countries do … Read more

Scrap the 2-metre rule to save economy, say business leaders

Scrap two-metre rule to save economy: Business leaders plead with the Prime Minister to relax social distancing By James Salmon for the Daily Mail Published: 23:55 BST, 9 June 2020 | Updated: 23:55 BST, 9 June 2020 Business leaders have pleaded with the Prime Minister to relax the two-metre rule amid fears that millions of … Read more

Boris Johnson preparing ‘Great Recovery Bill’ to get Britain’s economy moving again

Boris Johnson is drawing up a ‘Great Recovery Bill’ to slash red tape and help get the economy moving again, and ministers have been told to submit ideas for reforms that would allow firms to adapt to the upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Government officials are also being asked to find ways of ensuring essential … Read more

Boris Johnson preparing ‘Great Recovery Bill’ to get Britain’s economy moving again

Boris Johnson is drawing up a ‘Great Recovery Bill’ to slash red tape and help get the economy moving again, and ministers have been told to submit ideas for reforms that would allow firms to adapt to the upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Government officials are also being asked to find ways of ensuring essential … Read more

Coronavirus US: 25% would increase risks to help economy

One-quarter of Americans say there are willing to accept greater risks of contracting the novel coronavirus if it would shorten the timeline of economic recovery, a new study suggests. Researchers found that about 36 percent of people surveyed were ‘risk minimizers’ who did not want to accept any increases in risk of becoming ill with … Read more

Quarantining travellers for 14 days will cost UK economy £650million a WEEK

The blanket two-week quarantine on travellers coming into the UK will blow a £650million hole in the economy every week, experts said last night. It will wipe out the summer holiday season, which brings in £9billion in a normal year, leading to tens of thousands of lost jobs, say business leaders. Tourism makes up around … Read more

Quarantining travellers for 14 days will cost UK economy £650million a WEEK

The blanket two-week quarantine on travellers coming into the UK will blow a £650million hole in the economy every week, experts said last night. It will wipe out the summer holiday season, which brings in £9billion in a normal year, leading to tens of thousands of lost jobs, say business leaders. Tourism makes up around … Read more

Which SUVs have the best real-world fuel economy?

The revelation that Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s chief adviser, drove from Islington in London to County Durham during lockdown restrictions with his wife suffering from coronavirus has been headline-grabbing news since Friday.  Some have questioned if the 264-mile journey was feasible in his diesel Land Rover Discovery Sport without having to stop for fuel after … Read more