Booster jabs to battle new coronavirus strains will be ready by September, Oxford expert says

Britain is winning its war against Covid and the success of the vaccination campaign would have been ‘unthinkable’ a year ago, the Oxford vaccine chief said yesterday. Professor Andrew Pollard predicted jabs to tackle new variants of the virus could be ready as early as September. But even the existing vaccines would provide some protection … Read more

Columbus cop who shot Ma’khia Bryant ‘is in Air National Guard and earned expert marksman’

The Columbus cop who fatally shot Ma’Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old black girl, is in the Air National Guard where he earned ‘expert marksman’ badge, it has been revealed. Nicholas Reardon shot Bryant at around 4.45pm on Tuesday on the 3100 block of Legion Lane while responding to a 911 call about an attempted stabbing. Bryant … Read more

Columbus cop who shot Ma’khia Bryant ‘is in Air National Guard and earned expert marksman’

The Columbus cop who fatally shot Ma’Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old black girl, is in the Air National Guard where he earned ‘expert marksman’ badge, it has been revealed. Nicholas Reardon shot Bryant at around 4.45pm on Tuesday on the 3100 block of Legion Lane while responding to a 911 call about an attempted stabbing. Bryant … Read more

Body language expert analyzes Derek Chauvin’s behavior in George Floyd trial

The eyes of America have been on killer cop Derek Chauvin for the past three weeks as he largely remained silent throughout his trial for the murder of George Floyd. From frantically scribbling on a yellow notepad to rapid eye motions, a body language expert has now revealed the hidden messages behind his movements.  Over … Read more

Body language expert analyzes Derek Chauvin’s behavior in George Floyd trial

The eyes of America have been on killer cop Derek Chauvin for the past three weeks as he largely remained silent throughout his trial for the murder of George Floyd. From frantically scribbling on a yellow notepad to rapid eye motions, a body language expert has now revealed the hidden messages behind his movements.  Over … Read more

European Super League clubs would WIN any court case brought by UEFA or FIFA, says legal expert

European Super League clubs have a good chance of winning any legal battle with UEFA if football’s governing body tries to block plans for the breakaway competition, an expert has warned. Legal fights between governing bodies and upstart competitions have been fought before, with courts coming down on the side of promoting more competition in wrestling … Read more

European Super League clubs would WIN any court case brought by UEFA or FIFA, says legal expert

European Super League clubs have a good chance of winning any legal battle with UEFA if football’s governing body tries to block plans for the breakaway competition, an expert has warned. Legal fights between governing bodies and upstart competitions have been fought before, with courts coming down on the side of promoting more competition in wrestling … Read more

Indian Covid variant ‘poses a threat’ to UK’s lockdown-easing plans, expert warns

The Indian coronavirus variant could ‘pose a threat’ to Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown, an expert warned today.  It is feared the B.1.617 strain spreads more easily than older versions of the virus and scientists say it has mutations which may help it evade vaccines. Professor Danny Altmann, an Imperial College London immunologist, said … Read more

Vandals target former home of Derek Chauvin expert witness Barry Brodd with severed PIG’S HEAD

Blood is smeared across former California home of Derek Chauvin expert witness and severed PIG’S HEAD is left on his doorstep after he testified for defense in George Floyd trial Vandals struck early on Saturday at Barry Brodd’s former home in Santa Rosa, California  They smeared animal blood all over the door and garage doors … Read more