Ex-Renault Formula One boss Flavio Briatore, 70, is rushed to hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Renault Formula One boss Flavio Briatore, 70, is rushed to hospital in a ‘serious’ condition with coronavirus after an outbreak at his Billionaire club in Sardinia Flavio Briatore, 70, complained about the Italian government’s decision to shut nightclubs again, with his Billionaire club emerging as a coronavirus hotspot The former F1 boss has … Read more

Ex-Renault Formula One boss Flavio Briatore, 70, is rushed to hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Renault Formula One boss Flavio Briatore, 70, is rushed to hospital in a ‘serious’ condition with coronavirus after an outbreak at his Billionaire club in Sardinia Briatore, 70, complained about the Italian government’s decision to shut nightclubs again, with his Billionaire club emerging as a coronavirus hotspot The former F1 boss has been … Read more