Speeding BMW driver faces 107 POINTS on his licence after activating THIRTY-TWO speed cameras

Speeding BMW driver faces 107 POINTS on his licence after activating THIRTY-TWO speed cameras before being stopped by police at 83mph on the M6 A motorist was stopped in a white 7 Series BMW on the M6 near Stoke-on-Trent He sped through a stretch of 60mph roadworks at 83mph in thick fog Activated 32 speed … Read more

Speeding BMW driver faces 107 POINTS on his licence after activating THIRTY-TWO speed cameras

Speeding BMW driver faces 107 POINTS on his licence after activating THIRTY-TWO speed cameras before being stopped by police at 83mph on the M6 A motorist was stopped in a white 7 Series BMW on the M6 near Stoke-on-Trent He sped through a stretch of 60mph roadworks at 83mph in thick fog Activated 32 speed … Read more

Russian oligarch’s ex-wife faces son in £453m divorce court fight today   

A bitter dispute involving one of the world’s wealthiest families will be played out at London’s High Court today when the ex-wife of a Russian oligarch sues her son, alleging that he colluded with his father to prevent her receiving a multi-million-pound divorce settlement. Tatiana Akhmedova, 52, secured a landmark £453million pay out from her … Read more

UK plc ‘faces double whammy of Covid and no-deal Brexit’

The UK was today warned it faces a double whammy of one of the worst coronavirus hits of any major economy – while businesses that have ridden out the crisis could be hammered by the failure of EU trade talks. The latest outlook from the OECD suggests Britain will be affected more dramatically than most … Read more

Unsung heroes of heritage sector have their faces projected onto Stonehenge

The historic site of Stonehenge has been lit up by a dazzling night time illumination to celebrate some of the unsung heroes of the heritage sector. As part of a new campaign from The National Lottery, images of eight individuals – who have been working at some of the country’s best-loved heritage sites – were … Read more

Unsung heroes of heritage sector have their faces projected onto Stonehenge

The historic site of Stonehenge has been lit up by a dazzling night time illumination to celebrate some of the unsung heroes of the heritage sector. As part of a new campaign from The National Lottery, images of eight individuals – who have been working at some of the country’s best-loved heritage sites – were … Read more

UK plc ‘faces double whammy of Covid and no-deal Brexit’

The UK was today warned it faces a double whammy of one of the worst coronavirus hits of any major economy – while businesses that have ridden out the crisis could be hammered by the failure of EU trade talks. The latest outlook from the OECD suggests Britain will be affected more dramatically than most … Read more

Exasperated owners share photos of their adorable pets pulling ‘guilty faces’

In the dog house! Owners share snaps of their pets looking guilty after being caught misbehaving – including a naughty pair who chewed through a DOOR Owners from across the world have captured their animals pulling ‘guilty faces’ Pets misbehaving put on their best innocent expressions after being busted Some of the most adorable photos … Read more

PM faces major Tory revolt in coronavirus Tiers vote TODAY

Boris Johnson is facing a huge Tory mutiny over his new tiers today as it emerged the government has another ‘secret’ assessment of the economic hit – alongside the ‘cut and paste’ version published last night. The PM has failed to quell rising fury on his own benches about the draconian restrictions, which will leave … Read more

PM faces major Tory revolt in coronavirus Tiers vote TODAY

Boris Johnson is facing a huge Tory mutiny over his new tiers today as it emerged the government has another ‘secret’ assessment of the economic hit – alongside the ‘cut and paste’ version published last night. The PM has failed to quell rising fury on his own benches about the draconian restrictions, which will leave … Read more