Mum-of-two, 36, reveals how she shed fat from her body and toned up in MONTHS

A mother-of-two has revealed how she shed fat from her body and toned up in just eight months by changing up her diet and fitness routine – and how you can too. Julia Meadows, 36, from Melbourne, was battling depression and a lack of self-confidence when she decided to take charge of her growing body … Read more

Firms that take taxpayer-backed loans will have to rein in fat cat pay

Fresh crackdown on fat cat bonuses: Firms that borrow taxpayer-backed loans will have to rein in executive bonuses By Lucy White For The Daily Mail Published: 22:51 BST, 19 May 2020 | Updated: 22:51 BST, 19 May 2020 Firms that borrow emergency taxpayer-backed loans will have to rein in executive bonuses and cancel dividend payouts … Read more

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, says new study

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, new study suggests Two helpings of full fat dairy products can lower the risk of heart disease Foods such as yogurt and milk can reduce the chances of diabetes and obesity The research was conducted by scientists at McMaster … Read more

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, says new study

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, new study suggests Two helpings of full fat dairy products can lower the risk of heart disease Foods such as yogurt and milk can reduce the chances of diabetes and obesity The research was conducted by scientists at McMaster … Read more

Solution made of stem cells from fat tissues triggers hair regrowth

Hope for a baldness CURE as study shows a solution made of stem cells from fat tissues can trigger hair regrowth Researchers discovered fat cells have growth hormones that can work on hair Volunteers rubbed the new solution into their scalp twice per day for 16 weeks Study authors say they noticed a ‘significant’ increase … Read more

CAMILLA CAVENDISH: David Cameron was fat too

Any prime minister who launches a war on obesity, as it was announced yesterday that Boris Johnson is planning to, must contend with their own relationship with food.  Five years ago, my hopes of getting David Cameron to agree to levy a tax on sugar were almost derailed when the chief medical officer accused him … Read more

CAMILLA CAVENDISH: David Cameron was fat too

CAMILLA CAVENDISH: David Cameron was fat too – but now Boris Johnson’s near death can change the shape of Britain By Camilla Cavendish For The Daily Mail Published: 00:16 BST, 16 May 2020 | Updated: 08:24 BST, 16 May 2020 Any prime minister who launches a war on obesity, as it was announced yesterday that … Read more

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: Boris Johnson is the proof that you cannot be fat and fit

When Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital more than a month ago, he was a middleaged 5ft 9in man weighing a massive 17-and-a-half stone.  His BMI or Body Mass Index — a measure of whether you are a healthy weight — was 36, placing him firmly in the obese category.  Even though he is only … Read more

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: Boris Johnson is the proof that you cannot be fat and fit

When Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital more than a month ago, he was a middleaged 5ft 9in man weighing a massive 17-and-a-half stone.  His BMI or Body Mass Index — a measure of whether you are a healthy weight — was 36, placing him firmly in the obese category.  Even though he is only … Read more

Boris declares war on fat: PM ditches his ‘nanny state’ worries and demands action

Boris Johnson is planning a war on obesity after deciding his own touch-and-go battle with coronavirus was exacerbated by him being overweight. The PM is ready to ditch long-standing opposition to ‘nanny state’ policies and launch a crackdown on the nation’s bulging waistlines after coronavirus is defeated.   He’s told senior advisers that the experience – … Read more