Tiny ‘zombie fish’ declared EXTINCT 20 years ago is found in country Victoria at Kerang

Tiny ‘zombie fish’ declared EXTINCT 20 years ago is found hiding in a country lake – leaving wildlife experts baffled Southern purple spotted gudgeon was declared extinct in Victoria in 1998 Dubbed ‘Victoria’s zombie fish’ by regional land and water authority The small fish – which grows to 15cm – is endangered in the rest of Australia  … Read more

Animal welfare group claims fish are ‘suffering’ and their ‘mental wellbeing’ should be protected 

An animal welfare group backed by Carrie Symonds is calling for action to tackle fish suffering, including efforts to protect their mental wellbeing.  A study published by the group threatens to upset Britain’s millions of hobby fishermen by raising concerns about hook injuries and stress. Even the stocking of ornamental fish, such as goldfish and … Read more

Animal welfare group claims fish are ‘suffering’ and their ‘mental wellbeing’ should be protected 

An animal welfare group backed by Carrie Symonds is calling for action to tackle fish suffering, including efforts to protect their mental wellbeing.  A study published by the group threatens to upset Britain’s millions of hobby fishermen by raising concerns about hook injuries and stress. Even the stocking of ornamental fish, such as goldfish and … Read more

Fish poop generates 1.65 BILLION tons of carbon in the ocean that helps regulate water levels

Fish poop, breath and other excretions produce over a billion tons of carbon every year, according to a new study. That’s more than 15 percent of all the carbon in the ocean, the planet’s largest active carbon ‘sink,’ or absorber of carbon dioxide. That makes fish an important component of the carbon cycle, researchers say, … Read more

Moment fish drowns a baby bird in a nest that flooded in Georgia

A researcher caught a harrowing encounter in a Georgia salt marsh when a fish pulled a baby sparrow down to a watery grave. Seaside sparrows usually balance their nests in the marsh grass, but researchers believe climate change has caused tides in the area to rise precipitously. As a result one bird’s nest was flooded, … Read more

Bizarre gator-like fish with huge jaws spotted in Singapore

Bizarre gator-like fish with huge jaws and sharp teeth baffles experts after remains are spotted in Singapore – 10,000 MILES from its native home in the US Creature was discovered on the banks of the MacRitchie Reservoir in Singapore It was seen by passers-by and reported to authorities who cleared the body Animal is thought to … Read more

Bizarre gator-like fish with huge jaws spotted in Singapore

A monstrous fish that looks like a prehistoric relative of the alligator sparked a marine mystery after it was discovered by a Briton in Singapore.  The creature left locals shocked after its remains were discovered on the banks of the MacRitchie Reservoir. Karen Lythgoe, 31, a Scottish national now living in Asia, said the bizarre … Read more

Fossil of a massive 66-million-year-old fish is discovered after being mistook for a flying reptile

A fossil representing part of the largest-known example of an ancient deep-sea fish once thought to be extinct was recently found — entirely by mistake. Paleontologists in the UK were given what they were told was a pterodactyl bone, but after a closer inspection, the team realized that it was not one bone. Instead, it was … Read more

Fossil of a massive 66-million-year-old fish is discovered after being mistook for a flying reptile

The largest fossil of an ancient deep-sea fish once thought to be extinct was recently found—entirely by mistake. Paleontologists in the UK were given what they were told was a pterodactyl bone, but after a closer inspection, the team realized it wasn’t one bone. The specimen was identified as a thin bone of plates belonging … Read more

Prozac is finding its way into waterways and turning fish into ZOMBIES, study reveals

Prozac that finds its way into waterways could be wiping out fish’s personality, according to a new study out of Australia. More than 250 million antidepressant prescriptions are filled in the US every year, including 20 million for Prozac, known generically as fluoxetine. Traces of the drug typically get into the water when people go … Read more