Pip Edwards apologises for attending an Australia Day party where Aboriginal flag was upside down

Fashion designer Pip Edwards has issued a public apology to those she offended by sharing conflicting messages about Australia Day.   The P.E Nation founder, 40, came under fire on Tuesday after she uploaded a post on Instagram condemning national holiday – just hours before attending an Australia Day party where the Aboriginal flag was mistakenly … Read more

Twitter launches fact-checking program called Birdwatch where ANY member can flag a tweet

Twitter has unveiled a feature aimed at bolstering its efforts to combat misinformation by permitting users to add fact-check notes to tweets they believe are false in – but critics say it will target legitimate commentary and enable users ‘to take down anything they don’t agree with’. The pilot program unveiled Monday, called Birdwatch, adopts a … Read more

Twitter launches fact-checking program called Birdwatch where ANY member can flag a tweet

Twitter has unveiled a feature aimed at bolstering its efforts to combat misinformation by permitting users to add fact-check notes to tweets they believe are false in – but critics say it will target legitimate commentary and enable users ‘to take down anything they don’t agree with’. The pilot program unveiled Monday, called Birdwatch, adopts a … Read more

Grade II-listed Lamb & Flag pub in Oxford is closing after 408 years

It began serving beer on its current site in the 1600s and survived the Great Plague but the Lamb and Flag in Oxford is set to close for good after being hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The Grade II-listed pub where JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis and Thomas Hardy once visited has shut its doors after … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Biden drops the flag on Trumpism… but will the U.S. let him?

The view across Washington’s National Mall this week is as beautiful as it is poignant. All along the sun-dappled turf, some 200,000 American flags have been arranged with military precision, creating an oasis of tranquillity in a city riven by hatred and fear. At night the flags create a fluttering carpet of many colours stretching … Read more

China flies its flag on the moon: Beijing flaunts picture of its national emblem on lunar surface

China has flown its flag on the moon in a landmark show of force more than 50 years after America first planted its emblem on the lunar surface, as Beijing’s spacecraft Chang’e 5 makes its way back to Earth with the first lunar samples in decades.   Beijing’s space authority released the picture of the fabric … Read more

Black Lives Matter activist who tried to torch Union Flag is let off

Astrophel Sang, 19, was filmed using a lighter to try and set the flag on fire during protests  A photography student who tried to torch a Union Jack on the Cenotaph during a Black Lives Matter protest avoided jail today despite being accused of ‘disrespecting his ancestors’. Astrophel Sang, 19, was filmed using a lighter … Read more

Black Lives Matter activist who tried to torch Union Flag is let off

Astrophel Sang, 19, was filmed using a lighter to try and set the flag on fire during protests  A photography student who tried to torch a Union Jack on the Cenotaph during a Black Lives Matter protest walked free from court today. Astrophel Sang, 19, was filmed using a lighter to try and set the … Read more

No10’s ‘Union Unit asked for UK flag to be printed on vaccine doses’

Downing Street’s ‘Union Unit asked for the UK flag to be printed on doses of the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine’ as part of a plan to counter calls for Scottish independence Number 10’s Union Unit was set up to counter calls for Scottish independence It is said to have asked for the Union flag to … Read more

No10’s ‘Union Unit asked for UK flag to be printed on vaccine doses’

Downing Street’s ‘Union Unit asked for the UK flag to be printed on doses of the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine’ as part of a plan to counter calls for Scottish independence Number 10’s Union Unit was set up to counter calls for Scottish independence It is said to have asked for the Union flag to … Read more